There are currently 48 active clinical trials seeking participants for Alcohol Drinking research studies. The states with the highest number of trials for Alcohol Drinking participants are California, Rhode Island, Connecticut and Pennsylvania.
ChangeGradients: Promoting Adolescent Health Behavior Change
As most adolescents visit a healthcare provider once a year, health behavior change interventions linked to clinic-based health information technologies hold significant promise for improving healthcare quality and subsequent behavioral health outcomes for adolescents (Baird, 2014, Harris, 2017). Recognizing the potential to leverage recent advances in machine learning and interactive narrative environments, the investigators are now well positioned to design health behavior change systems that... Read More
Between 15 years and 17 years
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Locations: University of California San Francisco Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine Clinic, San Francisco, California
Conditions: Alcohol Drinking, Self Efficacy, Adolescent Behavior, Risk-Taking, Cancer
Satiety and Alcohol Challenge
The goal of this pilot study is to identify the role of satiety on responses to alcohol drinking using human subject laboratory methods. Satiety will be manipulated over two sessions using a dietary supplement (fiber+green tea) or a calorically matched placebo. Responses to an acute alcohol challenge are measured.
Between 21 years and 45 years
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Locations: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Conditions: Alcohol Drinking
Text-Based Messaging Strategies for Preventing Subsequent Problematic Alcohol Use
Binge drinking, and its health/social consequences are substantial public health concerns, with a high prevalence in young adults, especially in the US military. Alcohol consumption in the military is very high and normative, but there is zero tolerance for alcohol-related legal trouble, and Air Force Airmen who experience this (e.g., DUI, sexual assault) typically receive a disciplinary action referred to as an Alcohol Related Incident (ARI). Brief Alcohol Interventions (BAIs) for alcohol misu... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: JBSA Lackland, San Antonio, Texas
Conditions: Alcohol Drinking, Binge Drinking, Text Messaging
Digital Motivational Behavioral Economic Intervention to Reduce Risky Drinking Among Community-Dwelling Emerging Adults
Emerging adult risky drinkers living in disadvantaged communities often have limited access to rewarding activities and adult roles that offer alternatives to heavy drinking. Guided by behavioral economics, this cluster randomized controlled trial will evaluate a brief behavioral intervention aimed at increasing future orientation and engaging pro-social alternatives to drinking delivered using a peer-driven sampling method and digital platform well suited for accessing their social networks.
Between 18 years and 28 years
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Locations: University of Florida College of Health & Human Performance, Gainesville, Florida
Conditions: Alcohol Drinking
Mobile App-based Approach for Reducing Pain and Hazardous Drinking: a Pilot Study
Chronic pain and heavy drinking are common co-occurring conditions among patients presenting to primary care settings. Given their impact on functioning and medical outcomes, there would be considerable benefit to developing an accessible, easily utilized, integrative approach to reduce alcohol use and pain that can be readily incorporated into the health care settings. The objective of this study is to test a modified version of a smartphone-based intervention for reducing pain and alcohol use... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Alcohol Drinking, Chronic Pain
Cannabis' Impact on Alcohol Consumption
This study employs a repeated measures experimental design to examine the effect of THC-dominant dose of cannabis and CBD-dominant dose of cannabis, relative to placebo, on subsequent drinking in an alcohol choice task in which participants choose either to drink or receive monetary reinforcement for drinks not consumed. Cannabis will be administered simultaneously with an alcohol-priming dose or alcohol placebo. The study will enroll up to 350 nontreatment-seeking heavy episodic alcohol drinke... Read More
Between 21 years and 50 years
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Locations: Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Conditions: Alcohol Drinking, Cannabis Use, Cannabis, Alcohol Use Disorder
The Efficacy of Conventional Screening Versus mHealth Screening in Early Detection of Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Cancer Amongst the Rural Population of Varanasi: A Prospective and Blinded Study
Mobile health (mHealth) will be used for early detection of oral cancer and pre-cancer lesions, and to improve awareness of oral cancer among the population and knowledge of oral cancer diagnosis among frontline health providers. This program is inclusive of long term surveillance to downstage oral cancer in India
18 years and above
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Locations: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (All protocol activites), New York, New York
Conditions: Smoking, Smoking, Cigarette, Smoking, Tobacco, Betel Chewer's Mucosa, Tobacco Use, Tobacco Smoking, Alcohol Drinking, Smokeless Tobacco Hyperkeratosis
A SMART Evaluation of an Adaptive Web-based AUD Treatment for Service Members and Their Partners
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of an adaptive web intervention (Partners Connect) on military spouse drinking behaviors (CPs) and service member help-seeking (SMs). The investigators want to identify for whom this intervention is most efficacious and on what drinking behaviors and mechanisms. The investigators hypothesize that the intervention will reduce concerned partner drinking and increase service member help-seeking, compared to website resources, and that phone-base... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: Stanford University, Palo Alto, California
Conditions: Alcohol Abuse, Alcohol Use Disorder, Alcohol Drinking, Relations, Interpersonal, Military Family
Microbiome Metabolites and Alcohol in HIV to Reduce CVD RCT
Among people living with HIV, heavy drinking increases the risk of heart disease and death. Studies suggest that alcohol changes the number and kind of bacteria in your gut and these changes increase the risk of heart disease and death. This randomized controlled trial will determine whether a pill containing healthy gut bacteria can increase the number good bacteria in the gut, lower levels of inflammation, and lower the risk of heart disease and death.
Between 18 years and 89 years
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Locations: Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee
Conditions: Microtia, Dysbiosis, Alcohol Drinking, HIV Infections, Cardiovascular Diseases
Reducing Alcohol Exposed Pregnancies
The goal of this clinical trial is to compare an active intervention versus a standard of care control in reducing alcohol use among pregnant women. The main questions it aims to answer are whether a motivational intervention can: 1. increase the proportion of women detected with a laboratory-confirmed negative phosphatidylethanol (PEth) test during pregnancy, and 2. reduce the proportion of adverse birth outcomes among infants. Participants will be offered (1) a self-paced computer-delivered a... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, Houston, Texas
Conditions: Alcohol Drinking
Virtual Incentive Treatment for Alcohol
The overall objective of this program of research is to utilize phosphatidylethanol (PEth), a blood-based biomarker that can detect alcohol use for up to 28 days to deliver a feasible telehealth-based 26-week CM intervention. This study will test a telehealth PEth-based CM model in a sample of adults with AUD (n=200), recruited via online platforms by randomizing individuals to six months of 1) an online cognitive behavioral therapy for AUD (CBT4CBT) and telehealth PEth-based CM (CM condition) o... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: Washington State University, Spokane, Washington
Conditions: Alcohol Use Disorder, Alcohol Drinking, Alcohol Abuse, Alcohol Dependence
TeleHealth Resources for IndiVidualizEd Goals (THRIVE) in Alcohol Recovery Study
This project will evaluate the effectiveness and mechanisms of mindfulness-based relapse prevention (MBRP) delivered via video conferencing, as compared to referral to online mutual support groups, in supporting long-term whole-person recovery and improvements in neurobiologically-informed domains of addiction among individuals with alcohol use disorder who are interested in reducing or stopping drinking. The project will also examine the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maint... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Conditions: Alcohol Use Disorder, Alcohol Drinking, Alcohol-Related Disorders