There are currently 19 active clinical trials seeking participants for Contraception research studies. The states with the highest number of trials for Contraception participants are California, Florida, Texas and Pennsylvania.
Levonorgestrel 52 mg IUD for Emergency Contraception and Same-Day Start
This is a prospective clinical research study to test the effectiveness of the Levonorgestrel (LNG) 52 mg Intrauterine Device (IUD) for emergency contraception (EC) and same-day start use that will enroll people receiving care at Planned Parenthood affiliates across the U.S. Our prior work demonstrated efficacy (shows that it works in an ideal setting) for the LNG 52 mg IUD for these uses and this study will test effectiveness (how well it works in the real world) in a larger, heterogenous popul... Read More
Between 16 years and 35 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, San Jose, California +7 locations
Conditions: Contraception
Postpartum Integration of Vaccines and Contraception Trial
This study aims to examine how to implement a gender-transformative post-partum family planning program integrated into community-based infant vaccination services, and to evaluate preliminary effectiveness of this approach on postpartum contraceptive use in a low resource, rural setting.
18 years and above
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Locations: University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California +1 locations
Conditions: Contraception, Gender Equity
Impact of Progestin-only Contraception on Bleeding Patterns in Individuals Initiating GATT
Gender diverse individuals who use gender-affirming testosterone therapy (GATT) to reduce gender dysphoria may also use progestins for contraception and to manage or suppress uterine bleeding. Research is limited, however, regarding expected bleeding patterns for individuals who choose to initiate GATT concurrently with a progestin. Clinicians who prescribe GATT do not have sufficient data to adequately counsel patients on side effects of concurrent progestin use and therefore extrapolate from s... Read More
Between 18 years and 50 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: University of California San Diego, San Diego, California
Conditions: Gender, Contraception
Continuation of Subcutaneous and Intramuscular Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate in Post-abortion Patients
Multiple prior studies have compared self-administered Subcutaneous Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate(DMPA-SC) to both provider-administered DMPA-SC and Intramuscular Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA-IM) and found that continuation rates for self-administered DMPA-SC are higher. Thus far, studies investigating self-administered DMPA-SC have focused on patients presenting for contraception. Self-administered DMPA-SC has not been widely studied in patients seeking abortion and has been more... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: Family Planning Associates, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Contraception
RCT Evaluating Standardized Counseling on Early Discontinuation for Irregular Bleeding in Nexplanon Users
Clinician counseling for implant users should involve an explanation of the likelihood of irregular bleeding and the possibility of continued or frequent bleeding throughout three years of use. If that counseling does not provide specifics of the actual distribution of bleeding patterns described in published literature, there remains the real possibility of biased or directed counseling, leading to an inaccurate and exaggerated expectation of potential bleeding changes. This study aims to evalu... Read More
Between 18 years and 40 years
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Locations: Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri, Saint Louis, Missouri
Conditions: Birth Control, Contraception, Contraceptive Usage, Family Planning
Advance Provision of Postpartum Emergency Contraception and Its Effects on Reproductive Autonomy
This study will entail provision of ulipristal acetate (UPA) for emergency contraception (EC) in the postpartum period for patients who have not chosen to initiate a highly effective form of contraception and study the use of EC overall as well as with regards to participants' perception of reproductive autonomy. The investigators hypothesize that providing an advance supply of EC will increase use and decrease barriers to use. Additionally, the investigators hypothesize that, with thorough EC c... Read More
Between 16 years and 40 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Northwestern Medicine Prentice Women's Hospital, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Contraception, Contraceptive Usage, Reproductive Issues
Etonogestrel Implant as Emergency Contraception
The investigators propose a single site, single arm, open label mechanism of action pharmacodynamic pilot study of etonogestrel implant insertion prior to an luteinizing hormone (LH) surge. The investigators will evaluate ovulation rates via serum levels of reproductive hormones and transvaginal ultrasound findings following placement of an etonogestrel implant once the dominant follicle reaches a size of 15mm or greater, but prior to an LH surge, in persons with prior documented regular cycles... Read More
Between 18 years and 40 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, Colorado
Conditions: Contraception