Kidney Cancer Clinical Trials
A listing of 30 Kidney Cancer clinical trials actively recruiting volunteers for paid trials and research studies in various therapeutic areas.
25 - 30 of 30
There are currently 30 active clinical trials seeking participants for Kidney Cancer research studies. The states with the highest number of trials for Kidney Cancer participants are California, Illinois, Ohio and New York.
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Paid Clinical Studies Nationwide
Nationwide clinical trials offered in your area. Some trials offering up to several thousand dollars in compensation for participation.
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Chronic Cough Clinical Study
We are evaluating an investigational treatment to see if it may help people dealing with chronic cough.
Eligible participants will receive study-related medical care at no cost. You may be compensated for study-related travel and time. Health insurance is not required. If you qualify, you may receive:
Payment up to $1500, which varies by study.
Eligible participants will receive study-related medical care at no cost. You may be compensated for study-related travel and time. Health insurance is not required. If you qualify, you may receive:
Payment up to $1500, which varies by study.
Chronic Cough
Allergic Asthma
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Healthy Volunteer Trials
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Interested in vaccine studies Trials
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Healthy Volunteers
NSAID Use After Robotic Partial Nephrectomy
The purpose of this study is to see how effective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are at controlling pain without side effects in participants after robotic-assisted partial nephrectomy.
Between 18 years and 99 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: University of Miami, Miami, Florida
Conditions: Kidney Cancer, Renal Cancer, Renal Neoplasm
A Novel Imaging Protocol in Use to Identify Lymph Nodes and Organs of Interest
This research study is a pilot clinical trial, which hypothesizes that the combination of electromagnetic tracking in conjunction with laparoscope imaging and ultrasound probe imaging will aid in reducing the complexity of both laparoscopic lymphadenectomy and/or organ removal in patients with a confirmed diagnosis of cancer in urologic regions of interest (Bladder, Prostate, Testicular, Kidney, Urethral, and Penis), by resulting in better visualization and more accurate localization of certain... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Urologic Cancer, Urologic Neoplasms, Bladder Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Urethral Cancer, Penile Cancer
CYTO Reductive Surgery in Kidney Cancer Plus Immunotherapy and Targeted Kinase Inhibition
The purpose of this study is to determine if the use of immunotherapy nivolumab and the targeted therapy cabozantinib prior to removal of the kidney, will increase the number subjects who are without any visible kidney cancer in their body at some point during the course of treatment.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: The Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, New Jersey +3 locations
Conditions: Kidney Cancer, Renal Cell Carcinoma
A Clinical Trial of KVA12123 Treatment Alone and in Combination With Pembrolizumab In Advanced Solid Tumors (VISTA-101)
The goal of this clinical trial is to test the safety and efficacy of KVA12123 alone or combined with pembrolizumab in patients with advanced solid tumors. The main questions this study aims to answer are:
What is the safety of KVA12123 when administered alone and in combination with pembrolizumab to advanced cancer patients?
What is an appropriate dose of KVA12123 to administer alone and in combination with pembrolizumab to advanced cancer patients in future clinical trials?
Participants in t... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: UCLA Health (Santa Monica Cancer Care), Santa Monica, California +5 locations
Conditions: Cancer, Solid Tumor, Melanoma, Carcinoma, Sarcoma, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Colo-rectal Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Gastric Cancer, Esophageal Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Head and Neck Cancer
Drug Screening Using Novel IMD in Renal Cell Carcinoma
This research is being done to study the safety and feasibility of implanting and retrieving a microdevice that releases microdoses of 19 specific drugs or drug combinations as a possible tool to evaluate the effectiveness of several cancer drugs against metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC).
The name of the intervention(s) involved in this study are:
Implantable Microdevice (IMD)
Surgery (excision of tumor)
Drugs used in this study will only include drugs already used as standard of care for... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Renal Cell Carcinoma, Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma, Kidney Cancer
International REgistry of COnservative or Radical Treatment of Localized Kidney Tumors
Partial nephrectomy (PN) is the standard treatment for localized renal masses and should be preferred in clinical T1 (<7 cm tumor diameter) renal tumors over radical nephrectomy (RN) whenever technically feasible. Nonetheless, indications, approaches, techniques for PN, and correct reporting of outcomes, are still a matter of great debate within the urology community. Concurrently, case-report series suggested that alternative strategies for the treatment of localized renal tumors (ablation tech... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Institute of Urology, University of Southern California., Los Angeles, California +36 locations
Conditions: Kidney Cancer
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