Neck Pain Clinical Trials
A listing of 18 Neck Pain clinical trials actively recruiting volunteers for paid trials and research studies in various therapeutic areas.
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There are currently 18 active clinical trials seeking participants for Neck Pain research studies. The states with the highest number of trials for Neck Pain participants are Punjab, Georgia, California and Madrid.
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Paid Clinical Studies Nationwide
Nationwide clinical trials offered in your area. Some trials offering up to several thousand dollars in compensation for participation.
Featured Trial
Chronic Cough Study
Are you tired of living with chronic cough? The ASPIRE Study is now looking to enroll people from all backgrounds to help research potential new treatment options for chronic cough. You are under no obligation to take part and health insurance is not required. Find out more today! We’d love to hear from you.
Chronic Cough
Refractory or Unexplained Chronic Cough
Allergic Asthma
Featured Trial
Studying an Investigational Virus Vaccine
The main objectives of this study are to assess the safety and effectiveness of an investigational vaccine aimed at preventing norovirus, commonly known as the stomach flu. Participants will be randomly assigned to receive either the investigational vaccine or a placebo. Should you express interest, you will be contacted directly by the research site, which will provide further details and answer any questions you may have about study requirements, risks/benefits, and any compensation.
Interested in vaccine studies
All Conditions
Preventative Trials
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Evaluating an Investigational Treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa
The main objectives of this Phase 2 study are to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational medication in adults with moderate to severe hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), a chronic skin condition. Participants will be randomly assigned to receive the investigational treatment or a placebo. Should you express interest, the research site will contact you directly to provide further details and address any questions you may have about study requirements, risks/benefits, and compensation.
All Conditions
Hidradenitis suppurativa (Skin disorder)
The Spine Phenome Project
The goal of this observational trial is to compare the health history and motion capabilities of participants with low back pain disorders to participants with healthy spines. The main question\[s\] it aims to answer are to:
1. Primary outcomes of this research effort include composite measures that differentiate between control and patient populations, predict injury or reinjury risk, identify low back and neck pain patient phenotypes, and evaluate treatment effectiveness.
2. Secondary outcome... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio
Conditions: Low Back Pain, Neck Pain
Cervical Spine Focused Treatment for Patients with Persistent Concussion Symptoms and Neck Pain
Assess the feasibility of recruiting, enrolling and randomizing patients with concussion symptoms and neck pain to receive manual therapy and cervical rehabilitative exercises in addition to standard concussion treatment.
In the usual care workflow provided at the participating concussion clinic, cervical spine rehab is not typically introduced until after week 4. The rationale is that neck pain is often a self-limiting condition that may resolve spontaneously, without the need for specific cer... Read More
Between 12 years and 50 years
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Locations: UPMC sports medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania +3 locations
Conditions: Brain Concussion, Neck Pain
Personalized Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (PrTMS)
This study aims to assess the efficacy of Personalized Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (PrTMS) therapy to reduce chronic neck for military health system beneficiaries.
Between 18 years and 65 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland
Conditions: Neck Pain
Development of STEPPT
This 6-month pilot study aims to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and estimate effect sizes of the pilot STEPPT intervention for addressing ethnic disparities in physical therapy referrals and adherence between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White patients with spine pain. Feasibility and acceptability will be assessed based on the extent to which the pilot clinic implements all components of the intervention appropriately, feedback from clinic staff during implementation of the intervention, a... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Family Health Centers of San Diego, San Diego, California
Partners4Pain & Wellbeing Equity: A Randomized Trial of Community Supported Complementary and Integrative Health Self-management for Back Pain
The goal of this clinical trial is to learn how well two community-based self-management programs work in people with chronic back or neck pain from populations that have been minoritized based on race, ethnicity, or income. The main question it aims to answer is:
How well does a community-based self-management program teaching mind-body skills such as mindfulness and cognitive behavioral approaches (Partners4Pain) work for reducing pain intensity and interference with general activities and en... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Conditions: Chronic Pain, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Self-management, Complementary Therapies, Health Inequity
Feasibility and Acceptability of Group Pain Reprocessing Therapy for Veterans With Chronic Neck/Back Pain
The investigators are conducting a trial that evaluates the feasibility of telehealth group pain reprocessing therapy (PRT), with no comparison group, for the treatment of chronic back pain in a population of veterans. PRT is a psychotherapy for chronic pain that aims to help patients reconceptualize their pain as a non-dangerous signal. It has been shown to be effective in a previous RCT (n=151).
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: University of Colorado - Anschutz Medical Campus VA, Aurora, Colorado
Evaluation of the Effects of a Rehabilitation Program in Individuals with Spine Pain
SpineZone is an innovative physical therapy program with its focus on treatment of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar conditions through the use of a multi-disciplinary, technology enabled platform. Standard physical therapy modalities including psychologically informed physical therapy are employed in addition to online coaching with a fundamental tenant of core strengthening. Treatments are tracked and modified in a multi-disciplinary format taking all radiographic studies into direct consideratio... Read More
Between 18 years and 89 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: SpineZone, San Diego, California
Conditions: Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Scoliosis, Thoracic Injuries
How Dry Needling At the Neck Affects Shoulder Movement, Strength, Pain, and Shoulder Circulation
Segmental facilitation, originally proposed by Korr in the 1950s, suggests that certain spinal segments can become hyperexcitable, leading to chronic pain development. In a facilitated segment, neurons governing sensory, motor, and autonomic functions are in a state of heightened sensitivity, making them responsive to normally weak stimuli. Clinical signs include non-fatigable muscle weakness, brisk reflexes, muscle hypertonicity, tenderness upon palpation, and trophic changes like an orange-pee... Read More
Between 18 years and 65 years
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Locations: Texas Woman's University T. Boone Pickens Institute of Health Sciences, Dallas, Texas
Conditions: Dry Needling Technique, Neck Pain Musculoskeletal, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Dry Needling
Moderators and Mediators (M & M Trial) of Psychosocial Treatments of Chronic Pain
Chronic musculoskeletal pain (CP) is a major public health concern. Psychosocial treatments have been shown to be efficacious when compared to largely inert control conditions, but they are characterized by modest effects on primary outcomes. One strategy to boost efficacy is to increase our understanding of treatment mediators. Studies of mediators that directly compare different treatments with each other are needed to determine which mediators are treatment-specific, which are shared across t... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois +1 locations
Cervical Paraspinal Muscle Twitching and Cervical Facet Radiofrequency Ablation Outcomes
The investigators aim to determine whether cervical paravertebral muscle twitching during motor testing as part of performing cervical RFAs is associated with a greater likelihood of treatment success, and greater magnitude or duration of analgesia. The investigators propose a straightforward grading scale based on visual and tactile information readily available during RFA procedures as part of routine practice (per radiofrequency electrode: 0 = no twitches palpated or observed; 1 = twitches pa... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
Conditions: Cervical Facet Joint Pain, Chronic Pain, Neck Pain
Evaluating Different Low-level Laser Therapies to Treat Neck Pain in Air Force Pilots and Flight Crew
Determine the most effective and efficient treatment protocols for treating neck pain with LLLT.
Between 18 years and 62 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Mike O'Callaghan Military Medical Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
Conditions: Neck Pain
A Novel Device for Neck Pain in Active-duty Military Personnel With Forward Head Posture.
Neck pain is a common complaint among active duty military personnel, and can have tremendous impacts on quality of life and participation in duty-related activities. Treatments for spinal pain in military personnel are typically multimodal, relying upon physical therapy, pharmacological agents, spinal manipulation, and psychotherapy. However, there does not exist a wide body of evidence to support many of these treatments in active-duty military. The Cervigard neck collar was designed to treat... Read More
Between 18 years and 45 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland
Conditions: Neck Pain
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