Healthy Clinical Trials in Los Angeles, CA
A listing of 9 Healthy clinical trials in Los Angeles, CA actively recruiting volunteers for paid trials and research studies in various therapeutic areas.
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The city of Los Angeles, California, currently has 9 active clinical trials seeking participants for Healthy research studies.
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Paid Clinical Studies Nationwide
Nationwide clinical trials offered in your area. Some trials offering up to several thousand dollars in compensation for participation.
Featured Trial
Chronic Cough Clinical Study
We are evaluating an investigational treatment to see if it may help people dealing with chronic cough.
Eligible participants will receive study-related medical care at no cost. You may be compensated for study-related travel and time. Health insurance is not required. If you qualify, you may receive:
Payment up to $1500, which varies by study.
Eligible participants will receive study-related medical care at no cost. You may be compensated for study-related travel and time. Health insurance is not required. If you qualify, you may receive:
Payment up to $1500, which varies by study.
Chronic Cough
Allergic Asthma
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Healthy Volunteer Trials
Healthy trials near you are looking for participants to help push medical research forward. Click through to learn more!
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Interested in vaccine studies Trials
Interested in vaccine studies trials near you are looking for participants to help push medical research forward. Click through to learn more!
Interested in vaccine studies
Healthy Volunteers
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Healthy Volunteer Clinical Studies
Find a study looking for volunteers at a study site near you! Some trials offer compensation for time and travel. Click through to learn more about study opportunities.
Healthy Volunteers
Featured Trial
Narcolepsy Clinical Study
The Vibrance Studies are researching the safety and effectiveness of a once-daily oral investigational study drug and how it may work in adults 18–70 years of age for the potential treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) symptoms in adults with narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) or narcolepsy type 2 (NT2).
All participants who qualify will receive the study drug or placebo (a tablet that looks like the study drug but contains no active medicine), as well as study-related procedures and study-related laboratory tests at no cost. Compensation for time and travel may also be available.
All participants who qualify will receive the study drug or placebo (a tablet that looks like the study drug but contains no active medicine), as well as study-related procedures and study-related laboratory tests at no cost. Compensation for time and travel may also be available.
Narcolepsy With Cataplexy
Narcolepsy Without Cataplexy
Narcolepsy 1
Narcolepsy Type 1
A Trial to Learn if ALN-PNP is Safe and Well Tolerated in Healthy Adults and Adult Participants With Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
This study is researching an experimental drug called ALN-PNP (called "study drug"). This is a first in human study. The study drug is not approved by any public health agency such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for any kind of treatment.
Part A is focused on healthy participants. Part B of the study is focused on participants who are known to have NAFLD and a specific variant of the PNPLA3 gene. The aim of the study is to see how safe, tolerable and effective the study... Read More
Between 18 years and 65 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Velocity Clinical research, Los Angeles, California
Conditions: Healthy Volunteers, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Personalized Self-Management Training Compared to Standardized Self-Management Training in Colorectal Cancer Patients.
This is a Phase 2 prospective, randomized, controlled, double-arm study to assess personalized self-management training (PSMT) intervention efficacy and patient experiences compared to standardized self-management training (SSMT). A total of 120 colorectal cancer (CRC) patients will be enrolled and randomized 1:1 to complete a 6-week self-management training program (either PSMT or SSMT) to be carried out by licensed occupational therapists with doctoral training.
This study aims to examine whe... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California
Conditions: Colorectal Cancer, Healthy Lifestyle, Behavior, Health, Health Behavior
Study of a Respiratory Syncytial Virus/Human Metapneumovirus Vaccine Candidate
The purpose of this study is to assess the safety and immunogenicity of a single intramuscular (IM) injection of different doses of an respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and human metapneumovirus (hMPV) vaccine candidate, in adult participants aged 60 years and older. In addition, the study will evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of a booster vaccination administered 12 months after the primary vaccination in a subset of the study population.
60 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Matrix Clinical Research Site Number : 8400011, Los Angeles, California
Conditions: Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection, Healthy Volunteers, Human Metapneumovirus
Collection of Immunology Specimens From Patients With Cancer or Blood Disorders, and Healthy Volunteers
This research trial collects and stores blood, tissue, and bone marrow specimens from patients with cancer or blood disorders, and healthy volunteers to study the immune system in a variety of different types of experiments, as well as associated clinical data as appropriate, focused on understanding mechanisms of immunotherapy.
19 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: USC / Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles, California
Conditions: Healthy Subject, Hematologic and Lymphocytic Disorder, Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Cell Neoplasm, Immune System Disorder, Malignant Neoplasm
This study is being conducted to investigate risk factors for disability progression in Multiple Sclerosis and related disorders (MSRD). The primary goal is to assess whether combining information from visual assessment, blood markers, as well as historical and ongoing longitudinal MRIs of the brain, orbit (the part of the skull where eyes are located), and/or spinal cord can predict changes in quantitative disability measures related to MSRD and neurological disease.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California
Conditions: Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-Remitting, Multiple Sclerosis, Primary Progressive, Multiple Sclerosis, Secondary Progressive, Clinically Isolated Syndrome, Radiologically Isolated Syndrome, Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders, Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-associated Disease, Neurologic Autoimmune Disease, Neurologic Disorder, Healthy Aging
Long-term Effectiveness of the Antiobesity Medication Phentermine
The purpose of this research study is to understand the long-term effects of the drug phentermine on weight, blood pressure, other health outcomes, and safety. Phentermine has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for weight management since 1959, but it has not been approved for long-term use (i.e., treatment lasting more than 12 weeks). This trial is designed to learn about the long-term effects of phentermine for up to 2 years because obesity is a chronic disease and expe... Read More
Between 18 years and 70 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Kaiser Permanente Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Conditions: Obesity, Obesity; Drug, Lifestyle, Healthy
Single Nuclei RNA-seq to Map Adipose Cellular Populations and Senescent Cells in Older Subjects
All participants will undergo baseline biopsies of subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue for cellular/molecular profiling via snRNA-seq and metabolic/physiological assessments (insulin sensitivity, glucose tolerance, and β-cell function). Older obese participants will be randomized into three arms: lifestyle intervention (n=24), senolytics (n=24), or placebo (n=24).
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California
Conditions: Obesity, Healthy Lifestyle
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Normal Reference Control Group Testing
The purpose of this research is to understand how to apply cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) to women with small artery heart disease by looking at the CMRs of women without heart disease. The investigators will study 40 women with no heart disease to learn more about the usefulness of CMR.
Women suffer more than men from this disorder of the small vessels compared to the large vessels. This results in delays in diagnosis, missed opportunities for treatment, and likely contributes to the... Read More
Between 35 years and 65 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Cedars-Sinai Women's Heart Center, Los Angeles, California
Conditions: Healthy
Lower Extremity BFR-randomized Controlled Trial Healthy Volunteers
The purpose of this research is to determine the effects of low-load blood flow restriction (BFR) training compared to conventional strengthening using dynamic force plate and isometric force frame analyses in healthy subjects.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Cedar Sinai Kerlan jobe orthopedic institute, Los Angeles, California
Conditions: Healthy
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