There are currently 17 active clinical trials seeking participants for Congestive Heart Failure research studies. The states with the highest number of trials for Congestive Heart Failure participants are California, Ohio, New York and Florida.
Phosphatase Inhibition by Intracoronary Gene Therapy in Subjects with Non-Ischemic NYHA Class III Heart Failure
This is a Phase 2 adaptive, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomized, multi-center trial study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a single dose of AB-1002, administered via antegrade intracoronary artery infusion, in males and females age \>18 years with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy and NYHA Class III symptoms of HF. Subjects will be randomized into one of three treatment groups in a 1:1:1
18 years and above
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Locations: Cardiology P.C. Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama +39 locations
Conditions: Congestive Heart Failure
Social Risk Score, Clinical Decision Support Tool and Closed Loop Referral for Social Risk Screen and Referral
The overarching goal of this project is to leverage health information technology (HIT) to integrate available digital information on social needs to improve care for racial and ethnic minorities and socially disadvantaged populations with chronic diseases. In the previous phases of this project the investigators developed a social risk score to identify social needs among medically under-served patients with special emphasis on application among African American patients with low income and ch... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: Johns Hopkins GreenSpring Station, Baltimore, Maryland +4 locations
Conditions: Chronic Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Congestive Heart Failure
AB-1002 in Patients With Class III Heart Failure
This is a Phase 1, prospective, multi-center, open-label, sequential dose escalation study to explore the safety, feasibility, and efficacy of a single intracoronary infusion of AB-1002 in patients with NYHA Class III heart failure. Patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy will be enrolled until up to 17 subjects have received infusions of investigational product. All patients will be followed until 12 months post treatment intervention, and then undergo long-term follow-up via semi-structured... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: Minneapolis Heart Foundation Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota +3 locations
Conditions: Congestive Heart Failure, Heart Failure, Heart Disease, Ischemic, Cardiovascular Diseases, Heart Failure, Systolic, Heart Failure,Congestive, Heart Arrhythmia, Heart Failure, Diastolic, Heart; Complications
TRPC6 Characterization to Predict and Prevent Chemotherapy Related Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure with Breast Cancer
This study examines TRPC6 in predicting and preventing chemotherapy related cardiac toxicity and heart failure in patients with breast cancer. Cardiac toxicity, changes in heart function is a well-recognized complication of certain cancer related therapies. Understanding these changes may allow early intervention against therapy-related cardiac toxicity and also identify novel therapeutic targets to protect patient long-term cardiac health. Studying samples of blood from patients with breast can... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida +1 locations
Conditions: Breast Carcinoma, Cardiomyopathy, Congestive Heart Failure
Baroreflex Activation Therapy in Left Ventricular Assist Device Patients Study
This study will involve LVAD patients who have already received a clinically-indicated BAT (BAROSTIM) device. After recovery from LVAD implant, we will investigate the effects of BAT in a double-blind cross-over study design.
18 years and above
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Locations: Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina
Conditions: Congestive Heart Failure
Quasi-Randomized Evaluation of the UCLA Next Day Clinic (NDC)
The Next Day Clinic (NDC) is a quality improvement initiative that will be launched and operated by UCLA Health starting July 22, 2024. Its goals are to improve patient care and safety and to maximize cost effectiveness. The way it does this is by identifying patients in the ED who would normally be admitted for low-acuity conditions, and diverting them to a high-acuity clinic the following day called the NDC. This will help decompress the ED and the hospital, and allow for overall higher qualit... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, California
Conditions: Pneumonia, Syncope, Congestive Heart Failure, Cellulitis, Pyelonephritis, AKI - Acute Kidney Injury, Diabetic Foot Infection, Osteomyelitis
Stress and Congestive Heart Failure
The purpose of this study is to investigate whether acute stress can precipitate congestive heart failure (CHF) exacerbation in patients with CHF.
18 years and above
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Locations: St. Francis Hospital, Hartford, Connecticut +2 locations
Conditions: Congestive Heart Failure
Stepped Care vs Center-based Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation for Older Frail Adults Living in Rural MA
This feasibility trial will focus on older adults 60+ who are candidates for cardiac or pulmonary rehabilitation and who are vulnerable, mildly or moderately frail. We will randomize older frail adults living in rural regions of the county to Treatment as usual (TAU) or Stepped care (SC). TAU refers to center-based rehabilitation (CBR). Patients randomized to SC will be enrolled in traditional CBR and based on prespecified non-response criteria, will step up to three services: 1) Transportation-... Read More
60 years and above
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Locations: Berkshire Medical Center, Inc, Pittsfield, Massachusetts +1 locations
Conditions: Angina, Stable, Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Assessing Changes in Myocardial Tissue and Blood in Patients With Advanced Heart Disease
Hypothesis: Tissue and serum samples collected from end-stage heart failure patients receiving left ventricular assist device implantation (LVAD) or heart transplantation will provide information regarding the basic science of heart disease. Tissue and serum samples collected from a limited numbers of "healthy controls" (donor grafts that were not utilized for heart transplantation) will serve as a comparator in research database projects. Design: This is a registry project; there are no inve... Read More
13 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Intermountain Medical Center, Murray, Utah +2 locations
Conditions: Congestive Heart Failure
Pharmacy-led Transitions of Care Intervention to Improve Medication Adherence
Socioeconomically disadvantaged populations with multiple chronic conditions have high rates of nonadherence to essential chronic disease medications after hospital discharge. Medication nonadherence after hospital discharge is significantly associated with increased mortality and higher rates of readmissions and costs among these patients. Major patient-reported barriers to essential medication use after hospital discharge among low-income individuals are related to social determinants of healt... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: University of Tennessee Medical Center, Knoxville, Tennessee +1 locations
Conditions: Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol/Hyperlipidemia, Coronary Artery Disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Lung Disease, Chronic Kidney Diseases, Arrythmia, Stroke, Depression, Anxiety, Pulmonary Embolism, Heart Attack
Accessing Mobility Using Wearable Sensors
This study will examine whether wearable sensors can be used to track changes in cognitive-motor performance in response to a disease or an intervention. The investigators specific aims are twofold, first aim to explore whether and how a clinical condition such as Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) may impact motor-cognitive performance measurable using validated wearable devices (e.g., LEGSys, BalanSENS, and Frailty Meter). Second, the investigators... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Houston, Texas
Conditions: COPD, Pulmonary Disease, Pulmonary Restrictive Disease, Congestive Heart Failure, Cardiovascular Diseases
Modulation of SERCA2a of Intra-myocytic Calcium Trafficking in Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction
It is believed that targeted SERCA2a enzyme replacement in HFrEF patients will correct defective intracellular Ca2+ hemostasis, resulting in improved cardiac contractile function and energetics which will, in turn, translate to improved clinical outcomes. Additionally, it is hypothesized that correcting SERCA2a dysfunction will also improve coronary blood flow through correction of the impaired endothelium-dependent nitric oxide-mediated vasodilatation observed in heart failure.
Between 18 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: San Diego Cardiac Center, San Diego, California +4 locations
Conditions: Congestive Heart Failure, Heart Failure, Systolic, Heart Failure, HFrEF - Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction