There are currently 5 active clinical trials seeking participants for Coronary Heart Disease research studies. The states with the highest number of trials for Coronary Heart Disease participants are Florida, California, Texas and Ohio.
Project 3: ACHIEVE- CHD
This project is part of the ACHIEVE GREATER (Addressing Cardiometabolic Health Inequities by Early PreVEntion in the GREAT LakEs Region) Center (IRB 100221MP2A), the purpose of which is to reduce cardiometabolic health disparities and downstream Black-White lifespan inequality in two cities: Detroit, Michigan, and Cleveland, Ohio. The ACHIEVE GREATER Center will involve three separate but related projects that aim to mitigate health disparities in risk factor control for three chronic conditions... Read More
Between 40 years and 75 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio
Conditions: Coronary Heart Disease
A Study to Investigate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of DFV890 for Inflammatory Marker Reduction in Adult Participants With Coronary Heart Disease
This Phase 2a clinical trial will evaluate the effectiveness, safety, and tolerability of increasing dose strengths of an oral daily medication, DFV890, administered for 12 weeks, to reduce key markers of inflammation related to CVD risk, such as IL-6 and IL-18, in approximately 24 people with known heart disease and an elevated marker of inflammation, hsCRP.
Between 18 years and 80 years
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Locations: Valley Clinical Trials CPRT128A2302, Northridge, California +8 locations
Conditions: Coronary Heart Disease
A Study to Investigate the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of DFV890 and MAS825 for Inflammatory Marker Reduction in Adult Participants With Coronary Heart Disease and Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential (CHIP)
This Phase 2a clinical trial will evaluate the effectiveness, safety, and tolerability of increasing dose strengths of an oral daily medication, DFV890, administered for 12 weeks, or a single s.c. dose of MAS825, to reduce key markers of inflammation related to CVD risk, such as IL-6 and IL-18, in approximately 28 people with known coronary heart disease and TET2 or DNMT3A CHIP (VAF ≥2%).
Between 18 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Washington University Cardiovascular, Saint Louis, Missouri +6 locations
Conditions: Coronary Heart Disease, Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential (CHIP)
An IT Approach to Implementing Depression Treatment in Cardiac Patients (iHeart DepCare)
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of a brief electronic shared decision making (eSDM) intervention on depressive symptoms in coronary heart disease patients with elevated depressive symptoms.
21 years and above
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Locations: Columbia University Irving Medical Center/New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, New York
Conditions: Depressive Symptoms, Coronary Heart Disease
Cardiac Markers in Depressed Patients With Coronary Heart Disease - R01HL147862
Depression doubles the risk of death in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD), but so far, there is insufficient evidence that we can reduce the risk of death by treating depression. This study will investigate the cardiac risk markers that are associated with depression symptoms that remain despite treatment, and identify potential targets for their treatment. The results of the study will inform the development of more effective interventions to improve both depression and survival in pat... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Washington University, Saint Louis, Missouri
Conditions: Coronary Heart Disease, Depression