There are currently 41 active clinical trials seeking participants for Critical Illness research studies. The states with the highest number of trials for Critical Illness participants are Ontario, Victoria, Alberta and New South Wales.
End-Tidal Oxygen for Intubation in the Emergency Department
Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) is a high-risk procedure in the emergency department (ED). Patients are routinely preoxygenated (given supplemental oxygen) prior to RSI to prevent hypoxia during intubation. For many years anaesthetists have used end-tidal oxygen (ETO2) levels to guide the effectiveness of preoxygenation prior to intubation. The ETO2 gives an objective measurement of preoxygenation efficacy. This is currently not available in most EDs. This trial evaluates the use of ETO2 on the... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Hennepin Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota +8 locations
Conditions: Critical Illness, Hypoxia, Respiratory Failure
Embedded Palliative Care in the MICU
The goal of this study is to investigate whether embedding a hospice and palliative care practitioner within a medical intensive care unit will improve patient outcomes and healthcare usage. The practitioner will work solely within the medical intensive care units and offer timely as well as proactive consultations based on clinical criteria and estimated mortality risk. The study team will compare patients seen by the practitioner to patients in an adjacent ICU and historical patients to determ... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: Barnes Jewish Hospital, Saint Louis, Missouri
Conditions: Critical Illness, End of Life, Quality of Life
Goal-Directed Sedation in Mechanically Ventilated Infants and Children
Ventilated pediatric patients are frequently over-sedated and the majority suffer from delirium, a form of acute brain dysfunction that is an independent predictor of increased risk of dying, length of stay, and costs. Universally prescribed sedative medications-the GABA-ergic benzodiazepines-worsen this brain organ dysfunction and independently prolong duration of ventilation and ICU stay, and the available alternative sedation regimen using dexmedetomidine, an alpha-2 agonist, has been shown t... Read More
Between 44 weeks and 11 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee
Conditions: Delirium, Critical Illness, Sedation Complication, Executive Dysfunction, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
NIBP Validation Study
The purpose of this study is to compare measurements of blood pressure (BP) between the Philips non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) system (including NIBP cuff and portable patient monitor) and invasive radial arterial line (A-line) in critical care patients.
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Locations: Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida +4 locations
Conditions: Critical Illness
A Study of Healthy Microbiome, Healthy Mind
Researchers are doing this study to find out if a high fermented food diet is tolerable, and if it will help improve quality of life after surviving a critical illness, including severe COVID-19, by promoting gut health recovery and decreasing gut inflammation.
18 years and above
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Locations: Mayo Clinic Minnesota, Rochester, Minnesota
Conditions: Critical Illness, COVID-19, PICS, Cognitive Impairment, Mental Health Impairment, Weakness, Muscle, Dysbiosis
Pediatric Prehospital Airway Resuscitation Trial
This study is a Phase 3, multi-center, Bayesian Adaptive Sequential Platform Trial testing the effectiveness of different prehospital airway management strategies in the care of critically ill children. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agencies affiliated with the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) will participate in the trial. The study interventions are strategies of prehospital airway management: \[BVM-only\], \[BVM followed by SGA\] and \[BVM followed by ETI\]. The p... Read More
Between 24 hours and 17 years
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Locations: University of Airzona, Tucson, Arizona +9 locations
Conditions: Heart Arrest, Out-Of-Hospital, Wounds and Injuries, Respiratory Insufficiency in Children, Child, Only, Critical Illness
Gastric US in ICU Patient
This is a case series study using gastric ultrasound in critically ill patients to quantify gastric residual volumes to compare the efficacy of different NPO protocols.
Between 18 years and 100 years
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Locations: Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, New Hampshire
Conditions: Critical Illness, Surgery, Aspiration Pneumonia
Muscle Recovery After Critical Illness
The overarching goal of the proposed study is to determine the trajectories of physical recovery and cellular markers involved with the underlying failure to recover muscle after critical illness, while exploring which characteristics are associated with sustained physical disability. This proposal will examine muscle pathophysiology carefully aligned with physical function outcomes in order to longitudinally assess the recovery, or failed recovery, of muscle function in participants after criti... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama +2 locations
Conditions: ICU Acquired Weakness, Post Intensive Care Unit Syndrome, Muscle Weakness, Critical Illness
Evaluating the Unmet Needs of Older Adults to Promote Functional Recovery After a Critical Illness
This is a prospective longitudinal study that will evaluate the unmet needs of older adults (65 and older) who return home (either directly or after short-term rehab) after an ICU hospitalization, evaluate the association of these unmet needs with clinically relevant outcomes, and assess barriers and facilitators to addressing these unmet needs. The proposed research will inform the development and evaluation of a subsequent intervention to improve functional outcomes among older ICU survivors,... Read More
65 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut
Conditions: Critical Illness, Illness, Critical
Improving Psychological Outcomes for Acute Respiratory Failure Survivors Using a Self-Management Intervention
A growing number of patients are surviving a stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) but may experience long-lasting psychological problems, but research evaluating such treatment for ICU patients is scant. The goal of this pilot randomized controlled trial is to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and potential benefit of an evidence-based psychological intervention for anxiety and associated outcomes for ICU patients. The main question[s] it aims to answer are: Is this intervention feasi... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland
Conditions: Respiratory Failure, Anxiety, Critical Illness
Bright Light Exposure in Critical Ill Patients
Elucidate the influence of intense light therapy pretreatment in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. We hypothesize that intense light exposure is associated with the peripheral stabilization of Per2 in human buccal swabs and plasma samples before surgery and with a decrease of Troponin I levels after surgery. In addition, we hypothesize that light therapy leads to Per2 dependent metabolic optimization in the human cardiac tissue. Therefore, a small piece of human heart tissue from the right at... Read More
Between 18 years and 90 years
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Locations: University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus, Denver, Colorado
Conditions: Myocardial Ischemia, Critical Illness, Endothelial Dysfunction
Effect of Giving Reduced Fluid in Children After Trauma
This study is designed to help decide how much intravenous (IV) fluid should be given to pediatric trauma patients. No standard currently exists for managing fluids in critically ill pediatric trauma patients, and many fluid strategies are now in practice. For decades, trauma patients got high volumes of IV fluid. Recent studies in adults show that patients actually do better by giving less fluid. The investigators do not know if this is true in children and this study is designed to answer that... Read More
Between 6 months and 15 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Johns Hopkins University Charlotte R. Bloomberg Children's Center, Baltimore, Maryland +2 locations
Conditions: Critical Illness, Pediatrics, General Surgery, Fluid Therapy, Wounds and Injuries