Peripheral Vascular Disease Clinical Trials
A listing of 6 Peripheral Vascular Disease clinical trials actively recruiting volunteers for paid trials and research studies in various therapeutic areas.
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There are currently 6 active clinical trials seeking participants for Peripheral Vascular Disease research studies. The states with the highest number of trials for Peripheral Vascular Disease participants are Florida, California, Texas and New York.
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Paid Clinical Studies Nationwide
Nationwide clinical trials offered in your area. Some trials offering up to several thousand dollars in compensation for participation.
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Chronic Cough Clinical Study
We are evaluating an investigational treatment to see if it may help people dealing with chronic cough.
Eligible participants will receive study-related medical care at no cost. You may be compensated for study-related travel and time. Health insurance is not required. If you qualify, you may receive:
Payment up to $1500, which varies by study.
Eligible participants will receive study-related medical care at no cost. You may be compensated for study-related travel and time. Health insurance is not required. If you qualify, you may receive:
Payment up to $1500, which varies by study.
Chronic Cough
Allergic Asthma
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ENhancing Exercise With LIGHT to Improve Functioning in PAD
The ENLIGHTEN PAD Trial will collect preliminary data to test whether daily 660 nm light treatment of the lower extremities immediately before home-based walking exercise sessions improves six-minute walk distance at 4-month follow-up, compared to sham light, in people with lower extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD).
50 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Peripheral Artery Disease, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Aging, Walking, Difficulty
The Effect of Ischemic Conditioning on Strength and Ambulation in Subjects With PAD
Lower limb amputation is common in the United States, with approximately 150,000 amputations annually. Most individuals walking with a prosthesis demonstrate asymmetrical loading-i.e., they favor the amputated side by placing more weight and increased ground reaction forces through the intact limb-which likely contributes to increased metabolic cost of walking. Lack of adequate muscular strength in the lower limb to attenuate these forces places increased stress on the joints, which may be displ... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: UIC Physical Therapy Faculty Practice, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Peripheral Arterial Disease, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Amputation, Lower Limb Amputation Knee, Lower Limb Amputation Above Knee (Injury), Lower Limb Amputation Below Knee (Injury)
Far Red Light to Improve Functioning in PAD
The LIGHT PAD Trial is a Phase II multi-centered randomized clinical trial to collect preliminary data to test whether daily far red light treatment of the lower extremities in people with PAD improves six-minute walk distance, lower extremity perfusion, and ischemia-related damage in gastrocnemius muscle at four-month follow-up, compared to a sham control. Participants will complete 10 minutes of twice daily home treatment with either far red light or a sham light for four months.
50 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Peripheral Artery Disease, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Aging, Walking, Difficulty
The Value of Screening for HPR in Patients Undergoing Lower Extremity Arterial Endovascular Interventions
This is a randomized controlled trial designed to evaluate the role of screening for and intervening on patients with high on treatment platelet reactivity undergoing lower extremity arterial endovascular interventions.
Between 18 years and 90 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Conditions: Peripheral Artery Disease, Clopidogrel, Poor Metabolism of, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Artery Disease, Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease
BGC101 (EnEPC) Autologous Cell Therapy From Patient's Own Blood for Treatment of Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI)
Evaluate the feasibility of an autologous cell preparation composed of a mixture of cells enriched for endothelial progenitor cells (EnEPCs) and multipotent adult hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPC) (BGC101), in the treatment of patients suffering from peripheral arterial disease (PAD) with critical limb ischemia (CLI) who have not responded to optimal pharmacological treatment or control of risk factors and/or had a revascularization failure, and do not have the option of further revascu... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California +4 locations
Conditions: Critical Limb Ischemia, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Peripheral Vascular Disease
Effect of Plasma Ceramides on Peripheral Vascular Function
The goal of this clinical trial is to determine the effect of elevated plasma ceramides on peripheral vascular function. Subjects will consume a high fat meal consisting of long chain fatty acids (to increase plasma ceramides) or medium chain fatty acids (control). Subjects' vascular function will be assessed with laser Doppler flowmetry to measure their artery function and with the CytoCam device to assess their peripheral microvascular endothelial function.
Between 18 years and 40 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Froedtert Hospital, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
Conditions: Peripheral Vascular Disease, Lipid Disorder, Endothelial Dysfunction
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