Spinal Cord Injury Clinical Trials
A listing of 24 Spinal Cord Injury clinical trials actively recruiting volunteers for paid trials and research studies in various therapeutic areas.
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There are currently 24 active clinical trials seeking participants for Spinal Cord Injury research studies. The states with the highest number of trials for Spinal Cord Injury participants are New York, Florida, Illinois and California.
Featured Trial
Paid Clinical Studies Nationwide
Nationwide clinical trials offered in your area. Some trials offering up to several thousand dollars in compensation for participation.
Featured Trial
Chronic Cough Study
Are you tired of living with chronic cough? The ASPIRE Study is now looking to enroll people from all backgrounds to help research potential new treatment options for chronic cough. You are under no obligation to take part and health insurance is not required. Find out more today! We’d love to hear from you.
Chronic Cough
Refractory or Unexplained Chronic Cough
Allergic Asthma
Featured Trial
Studying an Investigational Virus Vaccine
The main objectives of this study are to assess the safety and effectiveness of an investigational vaccine aimed at preventing norovirus, commonly known as the stomach flu. Participants will be randomly assigned to receive either the investigational vaccine or a placebo. Should you express interest, you will be contacted directly by the research site, which will provide further details and answer any questions you may have about study requirements, risks/benefits, and any compensation.
Interested in vaccine studies
All Conditions
Preventative Trials
Featured Trial
Evaluating an Investigational Treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa
The main objectives of this Phase 2 study are to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational medication in adults with moderate to severe hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), a chronic skin condition. Participants will be randomly assigned to receive the investigational treatment or a placebo. Should you express interest, the research site will contact you directly to provide further details and address any questions you may have about study requirements, risks/benefits, and compensation.
All Conditions
Hidradenitis suppurativa (Skin disorder)
Autonomic Effects of Stimulation in SCI
This study aims to determine the effects of transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation to increase blood pressure and use that device to increase exercise endurance time and heart rate recovery during arm cycle ergometry. In addition, the investigators will see if the stimulation helps regulate body temperature when in a cool environment.
Between 35 years and 50 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: James J. Peters VA Medical Center, Bronx, NY, Bronx, New York
Conditions: Spinal Cord Injury
Grasping Function After Spinal Cord Injury
The overall goals of this proposal are to examine the contribution of physiological pathways to the control of grasping behaviors after cervical SCI, and to maximize the recovery of grasping by using tailored non-invasive brain stimulation and acoustic startle protocols with motor training. The investigators propose to study two basic grasping behaviors, which are largely used in most daily-life activities: a precision grip and a power grip.
Between 18 years and 85 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital, Hines, IL, Hines, Illinois
Conditions: Spinal Cord Injury
Neuromodulation to Reduce Muscle Stiffness Following Spinal Cord Injury
People with spinal cord injuries may experience muscle tightness or uncontrollable spasms. This study is being conducted to investigate whether transcutaneous spinal stimulation can improve these symptoms. Transcutaneous spinal stimulation is a non-surgical intervention by applying electrical currents using skin electrodes over the lower back and belly.
The investigators want to see how well the intervention of transcutaneous spinal stimulation performs by testing different levels of stimulatio... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Methodist Rehabilitation Center, Jackson, Mississippi +1 locations
Conditions: Spinal Cord Injuries, Spinal Cord Injury, Spinal Cord Injury Cervical, Spinal Cord Injury Thoracic
Locomotor Training With Testosterone to Promote Bone and Muscle Health After Spinal Cord Injury
This pilot study will determine the feasibility of implementing a combinatory rehabilitation strategy involving testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with locomotor training (LT; walking on a treadmill with assistance and overground walking) in men with testosterone deficiency and walking dysfunction after incomplete or complete spinal cord injury. The investigators hypothesize that LT+TRT treatment will improve muscle size and bone mineral density in men with low T and ambulatory dysfunction a... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System, Gainesville, Florida +1 locations
Conditions: Spinal Cord Injury, Spinal Cord Injuries, Trauma, Nervous System, Wounds and Injury, Central Nervous System Diseases, Spinal Cord Diseases, Gonadal Disorders, Endocrine System Diseases, Hypogonadism, Genital Diseases, Male, Spinal Cord Trauma, Injuries, Spinal Cord, Walking, Difficulty, Gait Disorders, Neurologic, Locomotion Disorder, Neurologic, Wounds and Injuries, Nervous System Diseases, Testosterone Deficiency, Androgen Deficiency, Hormone Deficiency
Corticospinal Function After Spinal Cord Injury
The investigator's overall goal is to develop new strategies to test optimization of Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) doses to maximize strategy to restore upper and lower-limb motor function in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). The investigator proposes to use modern electrophysiological methods to enhance the efficacy of residual corticospinal connections. Defining the neural basis by which corticospinal volleys generate muscle responses will provide crucial information requir... Read More
Between 18 years and 85 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Spinal Cord Injury
Improve Dynamic Lateral Balance of Humans With SCI
This study is to test whether pelvis perturbation training paired with transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation (tsDCS) will be effective in improving dynamic balance and locomotor function in humans with SCI. One group will receive pelvis perturbation training paired with tsDCS, one group will receive pelvis perturbation training paired with sham, and one group will receive treadmill training only.
Between 18 years and 65 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Abilitylab, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Spinal Cord Injury
Chronic Transcutaneous Stimulation to Promote Motor Function and Recovery in Individuals With Paralysis or Paresis
This is an early feasibility trial to determine whether transcutaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation, with or without transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation, using an investigational neurostimulation device improves functional arm/hand movements in individuals with paralysis or paresis due to a spinal cord injury or stroke and improves functional arm/hand or leg/foot movements in individuals with paralysis or paresis due to other brain or nerve injuries.
In this study, eligible individua... Read More
Between 18 years and 75 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Northwell Health's The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, Manhasset, New York
Conditions: Healthy Volunteers, Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, Paralysis, Paresis, Neurological Injury
Treatment of Sleep Apnea in Patients With Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
This study will investigate potential therapeutic approaches for sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) in patients with chronic cervical spine injury (>6 months post-injury).
Between 18 years and 89 years
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Locations: John D. Dingell VA Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan
Conditions: Sleep Apnea, Spinal Cord Injury
Electrical Stimulation for Continence After Spinal Cord Injury
This study aims to improve continence and voiding of patients with spinal cord injury using electrical stimulation.
The Finetech Vocare Bladder System is an implantable sacral nerve stimulator for improving bladder and bowel function in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI). It has been commercially available in Britain and other countries since 1982, and has been used in thousands of patients with SCI to improve bladder, bowel and sexual function. It received FDA approval in 1998 under Humani... Read More
22 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Palo Alto Veterans Institute for Research, Palo Alto, California +3 locations
Conditions: Spinal Cord Injury, Neurogenic Bladder, Incontinence
Exoskeleton and Spinal Cord Stimulation for SCI
The overall aim of this project is to assess the effect of combining transcutaneous lumbosacral stimulation (TLS) during Exoskeleton Assisted Walking (EAW) compared to EAW alone without stimulation on walking recovery.
Between 21 years and 58 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Kessler Foundation, West Orange, New Jersey
Conditions: Spinal Cord Injury, Ambulation Difficulty, Muscle Spasticity
Effects of 4-AP on Functional SCI Recovery
The purpose of this study is to test a strategy to potentiate functional recovery of lower limb motor function in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI). The FDA approved drug, Dalfampridine (4-AP). 4-AP will be used in combination of Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) stimulation and STDP stimulation with limb training.
Between 18 years and 85 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Shirley Ryan Abilitylab, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Spinal Cord Injury
Spinal Cord Injury Registry - North American Clinical Trials Network
The NACTN Spinal Cord Injury Registry is a network of clinical centers collecting de-identified data from patients admitted through the Emergency Department of a NACTN center at the time of injury with an initial (first time) spinal cord injury (SCI). Information will be collected on the natural history of SCI and course of treatment through the first 12 months from the date of injury or long as medically indicated. Data collected includes imaging information from CT or MRI scans, neurological a... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: University of Miami, Miami, Florida +13 locations
Conditions: Spinal Cord Injury
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