The state of Illinois currently has 24 active clinical trials seeking participants for Parkinson's Disease research studies. These trials are conducted in various cities, including Chicago, Peoria, Springfield and Urbana.
Phase 1/2a Clinical Trial of PR001 (LY3884961) in Patients With Parkinson's Disease With at Least One GBA1 Mutation (PROPEL)
Study J3Z-MC-OJAA is a Phase 1/2a, multicenter, open-label, ascending dose, first in-human study that will evaluate the safety of intracisternal LY3884961 administration in patients with moderate to severe Parkinson's disease with at least 1 pathogenic GBA1 mutation. Two dose level cohorts of LY3884961 are planned (Dose Level 1 and Dose Level 2). The duration of the study is 5 years. During the first year, patients will be evaluated for the effect of LY3884961 on safety, tolerability, immunogeni... Read More
Between 35 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Dept. of Neurology, Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders Center, 710 N. Lake Shore Drive, 11th Floor, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Parkinson Disease
A Study of AAV2-GDNF in Adults With Moderate Parkinson's Disease (REGENERATE-PD)
The objective of this randomized, surgically controlled, double-blinded, Phase 2 study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of AAV2-GDNF delivered to the putamen in subjects with moderate Parkinson's Disease.
Between 45 years and 75 years
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Locations: Rush University Medical Center (Neurology), Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Parkinson Disease
A Study of NE3107 in Early Parkinson's
The goal of this clinical trial is to learn if bezisterim can treat movement symptoms of Parkinson's disease in patients that are 45 to 80 years old, in generally good physical and mental health, and are nearing the need for treatment to relieve their symptoms but have not yet been prescribed any form of levodopa or drug with similar activity. The main questions it aims to answer are: * Will bezisterim decrease movement symptoms of Parkinson's disease? * What medical problems do participants ha... Read More
Between 45 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Northwestern Medicine, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Parkinsons Disease (PD)
Registry of Deep Brain Stimulation With the VERCISE™ System: Vercise DBS Registry
The purpose of this registry is to compile characteristics of world-wide outcomes for the use of Boston Scientific's commercially available Vercise DBS System in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. The utilization of Image Guided Programming (IGP), and other commercially available programming features, used as planning tools for the programming of patients with Boston Scientific's Vercise DBS System are also evaluated. Additionally, the utilization of the DBS Illumina 3D feature that may be... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Parkinson's Disease
Real-World Study of ABBV-951 Subcutaneous Infusion to Assess Change in Disease Activity in Adult Participants With Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurological condition, which affects the brain. PD gets worse over time, but how quickly it progresses varies a lot from person to person. Some symptoms of PD are tremors, stiffness, and slowness of movement. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how effective ABBV-951 is in treating adult participants with advanced PD in real world setting. ABBV-951 (foslevodopa/foscarbidopa) is an approved drug for the treatment of Parkinson's Disease. The main ROSSINI study... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Northwestern /ID# 266977, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Parkinson's Disease (PD)
A Study to Learn About the Safety of BIIB122 Tablets and Whether They Can Slow the Worsening of Early-Stage Parkinson's Disease in Adults Between the Ages of 30 and 80
In this study, researchers will learn more about BIIB122 in participants with early-stage Parkinson's disease (PD). The study will include adults aged 30 to 80 who were diagnosed with PD within 2 years of starting the study. The main objective of the study is to learn about the effect BIIB122 has on slowing down the worsening of PD symptoms. The main question researchers want to answer is: - How long does it take for PD symptoms to worsen during BIIB122 treatment? Researchers will answer this... Read More
Between 30 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois +1 locations
Conditions: Parkinson Disease
Trial of Parkinson's And Zoledronic Acid
This home-based study is a randomized (1:1) placebo-controlled trial of a single infusion of zoledronic acid-5 mg (ZA) for the prevention of fractures in men and women aged 60 years and older with Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism with at least 2 years of follow-up. A total of 2650 participants will be enrolled and randomized in the United States. Participants, follow-up outcome assessors, and study investigators will be blinded to assigned study treatment. This trial is funded by the Nationa... Read More
60 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Northwestern Medicine, Chicago, Illinois +5 locations
Conditions: Parkinson Disease, Osteoporosis, Parkinsonism, Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonism, Atypical Parkinsonism, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Multiple System Atrophy, Vascular Parkinsonism, Dementia With Lewy Bodies
PPMI Clinical - Establishing a Deeply Phenotyped PD Cohort
The Parkinson Progression Marker Initiative (PPMI) is a longitudinal, observational, multi-center natural history study to assess progression of clinical features, digital outcomes, and imaging, biologic and genetic markers of Parkinson's disease (PD) progression in study participants with manifest PD, prodromal PD, and healthy controls. The overall goal of PPMI is to identify markers of disease progression for use in clinical trials of therapies to reduce progression of PD disability.
30 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Parkinson Disease
C-STAR Movement Database
The purpose of this study is to develop a database that contains movement and rehabilitation-related data collected through the use of wearable sensors and video. This database will serve as a resource for clinicians and researchers interested in the investigation of movement or rehabilitation-related research ideas.
99 years and below
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Locations: Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Stroke, Parkinson Disease, Lower Limb Amputation Above Knee (Injury), Lower Limb Amputation Below Knee (Injury)
Black and African Americans Connections to Parkinson's Disease (BLAAC PD)
BLAAC PD is a research study to understand what Parkinson's disease looks like for Black and African American communities. BLAAC PD is happening at research centers around the United States. The study is part of the Global Parkinson's Genetics Program (GP2). GP2 is a research project working to transform understanding of the genetics of Parkinson's disease and make that knowledge globally relevant.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Rush University, Chicago, Illinois +1 locations
Conditions: Parkinson Disease
Use of CereGate Therapy for Freezing of Gait in PD
A Multi-Center, Controlled Study to Evaluate Use of CereGate Therapy to Reduce Freezing of Gait in Participants Diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.
Between 21 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Parkinson Disease, Freezing of Gait, Deep Brain Stimulation
A Novel Measurement Concept to Objectively Quantify Severity of Vocal and Speech Related Symptoms Associated With Parkinson's Disease
The aim of this research program is to develop and validate a smartphone app-based digital measurement concept that: * Objectively quantifies the severity of Parkinson's Disease (PD) related vocal and speech symptoms; * Accurately and sensitively identifies vocal and speech abnormalities associated with the prodromal stage of PD.
30 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
Conditions: Parkinson Disease