Depression Clinical Trials in Lexington, KY
A listing of 2 Depression clinical trials in Lexington, KY actively recruiting volunteers for paid trials and research studies in various therapeutic areas.
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The city of Lexington, Kentucky, currently has 2 active clinical trials seeking participants for Depression research studies.
Featured Trial
Depression studies Trials
Depression studies trials near you are looking for participants to help push medical research forward. Click through to learn more!
Depression studies
Major Depressive Disorder
Depressive Disorder
Depressive Disorder
Featured Trial
Cardiovascular Disease Trials
Cardiovascular Disease trials near you are looking for participants to help push medical research forward. Click through to learn more!
Cardiovascular Disease
Featured Trial
Type 2 Diabetes Clinical Trial
Can changing your breakfast improve your type 2 diabetes? Join this online study from the University of Michigan.
Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Obese
Diabetes Type Two
Featured Trial
High Triglyceride Clinical Research Study
Living with high triglycerides? See if our clinical study is right for you.
Don’t let financial stress hold you back. All clinical study-related assessments, care, and the investigational study drug are available at no cost. You could also be eligible for compensation for travel.
Don’t let financial stress hold you back. All clinical study-related assessments, care, and the investigational study drug are available at no cost. You could also be eligible for compensation for travel.
High Triglycerides
High Triglyceride Level
Elevated Triglycerides
Triglycerides High
Featured Trial
Lose Weight with GLP-1 Medications
Policy Lab has partnered with CareGLP to offer trusted access to GLP-1 medications, including generic alternatives to Ozempic® and Wegovy®.
GLP-1 medications are scientifically backed to help individuals achieve significant weight loss—on average, 15-20% of body weight within a year.
As a valued user, you’re eligible for $100 off your first program with code policy-lab-100.
GLP-1 medications are scientifically backed to help individuals achieve significant weight loss—on average, 15-20% of body weight within a year.
As a valued user, you’re eligible for $100 off your first program with code policy-lab-100.
Overweight and Obesity
Weight Loss
Morbid Obesity
Featured Trial
Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) Trials
Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) trials near you are looking for participants to help push medical research forward. Click through to learn more!
Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM)
Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Obese
A Precision Medicine Approach to Target Engagement for Emotion Regulation
The proposed study is designed to first test whether teaching people personalized or standardized emotion regulation skills leads to greater decreases in daily negative emotion intensity. Second, using data from an initial sample, the investigators will prospectively assign an independent sample of participants to receive their predicted optimal or non-optimal skills to determine if it is feasible and efficacious to match participants to the most appropriate training condition. Results of these... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Conditions: Emotional Regulation, Depression, Anxiety, Borderline Personality Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Eating Disorders
Ketamine and Epigenetic Aging
This is a prospective, clinical pilot study (n=20) to evaluate the impact of a ketamine treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on epigenetic aging by the TruAge epigenetic age laboratory test.
Between 18 years and 64 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Wild Health, Lexington, Kentucky
Conditions: Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
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