The state of Michigan currently has 36 active clinical trials seeking participants for Diabetes research studies. These trials are conducted in various cities, including Ann Arbor, Detroit, Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo.
Financial Navigation and Peer Support to Improve Diabetes Outcomes
The goal of this clinical trial pilot study is to test the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of a combined intervention strategy of 1) technology-supported financial navigation to address economic burden of disease and 2) peer support both to facilitate linkages to clinical care and community resources to address social risks and improve participants\' diabetes self-management. The main aims of this pilot study are: * To examine the feasibility and acceptability o... Read More
Between 18 years and 75 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Conditions: Diabetes Mellitus, Glucose Metabolism Disorders, Metabolic Diseases, Endocrine System Diseases
The YMCA Healthy Lifestyle Program for Prediabetes
The goal of this 26 week randomized controlled clinical trial is to learn if using a real time continuous glucose monitor (CGM) in a healthy lifestyle program for adults with prediabetes at the YMCA can improve glucose levels, dietary habits and physical activity The main questions it aims to answer is * Does use of a CGM improve the percent of time spent with glucose values between 70-140 mg/dl * Does use of a CGM improve nutritional habits as measured by Picture Your Plate (PYP) score * Does... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: YMCA of the Blue Water Area, Port Huron, Michigan
Conditions: PreDiabetes
Registry for Stage 2 Type 1 Diabetes
Stage 2 Type 1 Diabates (T1D) is an early stage of T1D characterized by dysglycemia but not yet leading to clinical symptoms. Progression of the disease to Stage 3 (clinical T1D), leads to overt hyperglycemia requiring eventually exogenous insulin. TZIELD® (teplizumab-mzwv) has been approved to delay onset of stage 3 T1D, by the United States (US) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for adults and children aged 8 years and older with Stage 2 T1D. The purpose of this study is to collect general... Read More
Trial Updated:
Locations: Corewell Health- Site Number : 8400009, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Conditions: Type 1 Diabetes
TArgeting Type 1 Diabetes Using POLyamines (TADPOL)
The goal of this clinical trial is to test a drug known as DFMO in people with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). The main question\[s\] it aims to answer are: * Does it reduce stress on the cells that make insulin? * Does it preserve what is left of the body's insulin production? Participants will take either DFMO or a placebo (looks like DFMO but has no active ingredients) two times a day for about 6 months. Participants will have 6 in person visits and 1 phone visit over a period of 12 months. Visits wi... Read More
Between 4 years and 40 years
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Locations: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Conditions: Type 1 Diabetes
The Breakfast Study
The investigators will conduct an acceptability, feasibility, preliminary effectiveness trial of a 4-month, online, very low-carbohydrate breakfast-focused program in 120 adults with type 2 diabetes. The investigators will measure acceptability and feasibility, plus critical efficacy outcomes, such as changes in HbA1c, anti-hyperglycemic medications, glycemic variability, body weight, blood pressure, and lipids.
Between 18 years and 80 years
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Locations: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Conditions: Type 2 Diabetes
Decreasing Cardiovascular Risk for Patients With Diabetes
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) complications are the leading cause of diabetes mellitus (DM)-related morbidity and mortality, creating a significant burden on the public health system. This burden is, in part, attributable to poor medication adherence, with 21-42% of patients failing to properly adhere to their care. Importantly, this issue is especially pronounced in minority and low-income populations, which show higher rates of chronic illness and lower medication adherence. Interventions that... Read More
18 years and above
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Locations: Ingham Healthcare center, Lansing, Michigan
Conditions: Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
Family Intervention for Black Teens With Type 1 Diabetes
The purpose of this study is to conduct a multicenter, randomized effectiveness trial of The 3Ms 2.0 compared to an educational control condition for improving adolescent glycemic control and diabetes-related family relationships and reducing primary caregiver diabetes-related distress among Black adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and their primary caregivers. The proposed study would develop and test The 3Ms 2.0 adapted intervention when delivered using a mobile health approach (accessed v... Read More
Between 10 years and 14 years
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Locations: Wayne Pediatrics, Detroit, Michigan
Conditions: Type 1 Diabetes, Family Relations
A Study of REACT in Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Kidney Disease
The purpose of this study is to assess the safety and efficacy (including durability) of up to 2 REACT injections given 3 months (+30 days) apart and delivered percutaneously into biopsied and non-biopsied contralateral kidneys in participants with T2DM and CKD.
Between 30 years and 80 years
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Locations: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan +1 locations
Conditions: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Kidney Diseases
Study of Enhanced Programming Stimulation with the Enterra® Therapy System
The purpose of this research study is to evaluate if an enhanced Enterra device programming strategy will improve symptoms associated with gastroparesis, improve symptoms in a faster amount of time, and improve quality of life measures. Participants in this study will be evaluated for study entry criteria, have an Enterra Therapy System implanted, and be randomly assigned to one of two programming strategies. Participants will answer daily questions about their gastroparesis symptoms on an appl... Read More
Between 18 years and 70 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan
Conditions: Gastroparesis, Gastroparesis Nondiabetic, Gastroparesis Due to Diabetes Mellitus
Ecological Momentary Assessment Study of Adolescents and Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes (EMA-T1D)
This single site investigator-initiated prospective observational study will enroll up to 150 participants 13-26 years of age with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) and utilize ecological momentary assessment methods (EMA) to examine associations between different diabetes psychological domains (distress, anxiety, and depression) in real-time on self-efficacy, self-management behaviors, and glycemic outcomes.
Between 13 years and 26 years
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Locations: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Conditions: Type 1 Diabetes
Non-weight Bearing Exercise for Accelerated Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
The goal of this study is to improve the therapeutic management of diabetic foot ulcers (DFU). The main questions to answer are if a program of non-weight bearing exercise helps the DFU heal faster than standard wound care. This randomized clinical trial will determine how blood flow to the ulcer and whole body metabolism may be improved with exercise. Participants will be randomized to either exercise + standard wound care or standard wound care alone and undergo testing for leg blood flow, fit... Read More
Between 18 years and 75 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: School of Kinesiology, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Conditions: Type2diabetes, Foot Ulcer
Comparison of Type 2 Diabetes Pharmacotherapy Regimens
This study is designed to help patients with type 2 diabetes and their clinicians: (a) identify which glucose lowering medications have the most favorable effects on heart health and other patient-important outcomes, (b) inform the timing of medication initiation, and (c) identify whether medication benefits apply equally to all adults with type 2 diabetes, or may be different based on age, sex, race/ethnicity, baseline heart health status, baseline renal function, or other factors.
Between 18 years and 85 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan
Conditions: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular Diseases