The city of Detroit, Michigan, currently has 7 active clinical trials seeking participants for Diabetes research studies.
A Randomized Comparison of Stage-Based Care Versus Risk Factor-Based Care for Prevention of Cardiovascular Events
TRANSFORM is a prospective, randomized, open blinded endpoint (PROBE), event-driven, pragmatic trial in patients who are at increased risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular (CV) disease but with no known symptomatic CV disease. The trial tests the hypothesis that a Cleerly Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) Staging System-based care strategy reduces CV events compared with risk factor-based care.
55 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan
Conditions: Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2, PreDiabetes, Metabolic Syndrome
SPYRAL AFFIRM Global Study of RDN With the Symplicity Spyral RDN System in Subjects With Uncontrolled HTN
The purpose of this single-arm interventional study is to evaluate the long-term safety, efficacy, and durability of the Symplicity Spyral system in subjects treated with renal denervation. Additionally, long-term follow-up data will also be collected from eligible subjects previously treated in the SPYRAL PIVOTAL-SPYRAL HTN-OFF MED and SPYRAL HTN-ON MED studies.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Michigan +1 locations
Conditions: Hypertension, Vascular Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, Chronic Kidney Diseases, Diabetes Mellitus
Family Intervention for Black Teens With Type 1 Diabetes
The purpose of this study is to conduct a multicenter, randomized effectiveness trial of The 3Ms 2.0 compared to an educational control condition for improving adolescent glycemic control and diabetes-related family relationships and reducing primary caregiver diabetes-related distress among Black adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and their primary caregivers. The proposed study would develop and test The 3Ms 2.0 adapted intervention when delivered using a mobile health approach (accessed v... Read More
Between 10 years and 14 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Wayne Pediatrics, Detroit, Michigan
Conditions: Type 1 Diabetes, Family Relations
Study of Enhanced Programming Stimulation with the Enterra® Therapy System
The purpose of this research study is to evaluate if an enhanced Enterra device programming strategy will improve symptoms associated with gastroparesis, improve symptoms in a faster amount of time, and improve quality of life measures. Participants in this study will be evaluated for study entry criteria, have an Enterra Therapy System implanted, and be randomly assigned to one of two programming strategies. Participants will answer daily questions about their gastroparesis symptoms on an appl... Read More
Between 18 years and 70 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan
Conditions: Gastroparesis, Gastroparesis Nondiabetic, Gastroparesis Due to Diabetes Mellitus
Comparison of Type 2 Diabetes Pharmacotherapy Regimens
This study is designed to help patients with type 2 diabetes and their clinicians: (a) identify which glucose lowering medications have the most favorable effects on heart health and other patient-important outcomes, (b) inform the timing of medication initiation, and (c) identify whether medication benefits apply equally to all adults with type 2 diabetes, or may be different based on age, sex, race/ethnicity, baseline heart health status, baseline renal function, or other factors.
Between 18 years and 85 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, Michigan
Conditions: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Cardiovascular Diseases
Improving Diabetes in Emerging Adulthood
This project will test the efficacy of a multi-component behavioral intervention to improve metabolic control among older adolescents and emerging adults (16-21) with T1D, a group with chronic poor metabolic control. This intervention is grounded in self-determination theory which states that a youth who believes their diabetes management is self-directed, competent, and supported by others is more likely to consistently complete their diabetes self-care. This theory-driven intervention will be... Read More
Between 16 years and 25 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Detroit Medical Center, Detroit, Michigan
Conditions: Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1
A Study of CT-868 in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
This study will evaluate the changes in glycemic control in overweight and obese adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus after receiving CT-868 for 16 weeks. The effectiveness and safety of CT-868 will be compared to placebo. All participants will continue with their standard diabetes care using either an insulin pump (CSII) or multiple daily injections (MDI). Alongside their designated treatment, participants will receive guidance on managing their diabetes, including monitoring blood glucose leve... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Carmot Therapeutics Investigational Site 107, Detroit, Michigan
Conditions: Overweight, Obese, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus