Autism Paid Clinical Trials in New Jersey
A listing of 6 Autism clinical trials in New Jersey actively recruiting volunteers for paid trials and research studies in various therapeutic areas.
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The state of New Jersey currently has 6 active clinical trials seeking participants for Autism research studies. These trials are conducted in various cities, including New Brunswick, Hackensack, Newark and Morristown.
Featured Trial
Paid Clinical Studies Nationwide
Nationwide clinical trials offered in your area. Some trials offering up to several thousand dollars in compensation for participation.
Featured Trial
Studying an Investigational Virus Vaccine
The main objectives of this study are to assess the safety and effectiveness of an investigational vaccine aimed at preventing norovirus, commonly known as the stomach flu. Participants will be randomly assigned to receive either the investigational vaccine or a placebo. Should you express interest, you will be contacted directly by the research site, which will provide further details and answer any questions you may have about study requirements, risks/benefits, and any compensation.
Interested in vaccine studies
All Conditions
Preventative Trials
Featured Trial
Major Depressive Disorder Clinical Study
Is depression weighing you down? Local major depressive disorder clinical studies are now enrolling participants in the area. Participating in research studies helps contribute to the advancement of future medicine and treatment options. There is no obligation to take part and health insurance is not required.
Major Depressive Disorder
Major Depression
Major Depressive Episode
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Major Depressive Disorders
Featured Trial
Evaluating an Investigational Treatment for Hidradenitis Suppurativa
The main objectives of this Phase 2 study are to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational medication in adults with moderate to severe hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), a chronic skin condition. Participants will be randomly assigned to receive the investigational treatment or a placebo. Should you express interest, the research site will contact you directly to provide further details and address any questions you may have about study requirements, risks/benefits, and compensation.
All Conditions
Hidradenitis suppurativa (Skin disorder)
Featured Trial
High Triglyceride Clinical Research Study
Living with high triglycerides? See if our clinical study is right for you.
Don’t let financial stress hold you back. All clinical study-related assessments, care, and the investigational study drug are available at no cost. You could also be eligible for compensation for travel.
Don’t let financial stress hold you back. All clinical study-related assessments, care, and the investigational study drug are available at no cost. You could also be eligible for compensation for travel.
High Triglycerides
High Triglyceride Level
Elevated Triglycerides
Triglycerides High
Featured Trial
Crohn's Disease Clinical Study
Help us study a potential new way to treat Crohn's disease. We are seeking adults living with Crohn's disease to join our latest clinical trial to help us learn more. Eligible participants will receive study-related treatment, assessments, and care at no cost. You will also receive reimbursement for travel while participating. Health insurance is not required to take part.
Crohn's Disease
Crohn Disease
Crohns Disease
Crohn's Disease (CD)
Crohn Colitis
A Strength-Based Employment Maintenance Program for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum
The investigators are looking to evaluate how effective a training program that focuses on character strengths may be in improving job maintenance skills in young adults. The investigators are examining the effects of this intervention in young adults who feel they would like to help in improving their satisfaction with work, and in keeping their jobs.
Between 14 years and 26 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Kessler Foundation, East Hanover, New Jersey
Conditions: Autism
ML-004 in Adolescents and Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
ML-004-002 is a multi-center, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study that will enroll approximately 150 adolescent and adult subjects with ASD. The primary objective is to evaluate the efficacy of ML-004 compared with placebo in the improvement of social communication deficits in subjects with ASD.
Between 12 years and 45 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Hassman Research Institute, Berlin, New Jersey +1 locations
Conditions: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Non-invasive Brain Stimulation in Children With Autism
Although many children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) make significant progress in learning and their cognitive skills improve with applied behavior analysis (ABA), there are a significant number of children who show an absence or a plateau in various skills. Deficits in executive functioning are likely to be involved in many of these cognitive and learning disabilities due to poor functioning of the prefrontal cortex. Currently, the use of biological methods for improving learnin... Read More
Between 5 years and 12 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Conditions: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Executive Dysfunction, Child Autism
A Strength-Based Intervention to Improve Job Interview Skills in Young Adults in a Community Setting
The investigators are looking to evaluate how effective a strength-based intervention may be in improving job interview skills in young adults. The investigators are examining the effects of this intervention in young adults who may have difficulty with job interviews, and who may want to improve these skills.
Between 14 years and 26 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Kessler Foundation, East Hanover, New Jersey
Conditions: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Emergent Multi-Class Imitation Training
The goals of this project are to (a) incorporate empirical findings on imitation training and learning in autistic children into a comprehensive protocol for Applied Behavior Analysis practitioners designed to rapidly facilitate generalized imitation called Emergent Multi-Class Imitation Training (EMIT), and (b) collect pilot data on the efficacy of EMIT with a small sample of autistic children. EMIT will incorporate several features that are grounded in prior research including: (a) evidence-ba... Read More
Between 12 months and 6 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Conditions: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Adapting BA for Minimally Verbal Autistic Adults
The present study aims to adapt and evaluate the feasibility of the BeatIt-2 behavioral activation intervention for people with intellectual disabilities and low mood to be implemented with minimally verbal autistic individuals.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Rutgers University - New Brunswick, Piscataway, New Jersey
Conditions: Autism, Depression, Autism Spectrum Disorder With Impaired Functional Language, Autism Spectrum Disorder
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