Depression Paid Clinical Trials in Oklahoma
A listing of 9 Depression clinical trials in Oklahoma actively recruiting volunteers for paid trials and research studies in various therapeutic areas.
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The state of Oklahoma currently has 9 active clinical trials seeking participants for Depression research studies. These trials are conducted in various cities, including Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Norman and Edmond.
Featured Trial
Depression studies Trials
Depression studies trials near you are looking for participants to help push medical research forward. Click through to learn more!
Depression studies
Major Depressive Disorder
Depressive Disorder
Depressive Disorder
Featured Trial
Cardiovascular Disease Trials
Cardiovascular Disease trials near you are looking for participants to help push medical research forward. Click through to learn more!
Cardiovascular Disease
Featured Trial
Type 2 Diabetes Clinical Trial
Can changing your breakfast improve your type 2 diabetes? Join this online study from the University of Michigan.
Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Obese
Diabetes Type Two
Featured Trial
High Triglyceride Clinical Research Study
Living with high triglycerides? See if our clinical study is right for you.
Don’t let financial stress hold you back. All clinical study-related assessments, care, and the investigational study drug are available at no cost. You could also be eligible for compensation for travel.
Don’t let financial stress hold you back. All clinical study-related assessments, care, and the investigational study drug are available at no cost. You could also be eligible for compensation for travel.
High Triglycerides
High Triglyceride Level
Elevated Triglycerides
Triglycerides High
Featured Trial
Lose Weight with GLP-1 Medications
Policy Lab has partnered with CareGLP to offer trusted access to GLP-1 medications, including generic alternatives to Ozempic® and Wegovy®.
GLP-1 medications are scientifically backed to help individuals achieve significant weight loss—on average, 15-20% of body weight within a year.
As a valued user, you’re eligible for $100 off your first program with code policy-lab-100.
GLP-1 medications are scientifically backed to help individuals achieve significant weight loss—on average, 15-20% of body weight within a year.
As a valued user, you’re eligible for $100 off your first program with code policy-lab-100.
Overweight and Obesity
Weight Loss
Morbid Obesity
Featured Trial
Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) Trials
Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) trials near you are looking for participants to help push medical research forward. Click through to learn more!
Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM)
Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Obese
Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of COMP360 in Participants With TRD
Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of a single administration of COMP360 in participants with treatment-resistant depression (TRD)
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Rivus Wellness & Research Institute, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Conditions: Treatment Resistant Depression
A Study to Assess Change in Disease Activity and Adverse Events (AEs) With Cariprazine in the Treatment of Depressive Episodes in Pediatric Participants Participants (10 to 17 Years of Age) With Bipolar I Disorder.
Bipolar disorder is a severe chronic mood disorder that affects up to 4% of the adult population and 1.8% of the pediatric population in the United States. The treatment of the depressive episodes of bipolar disorder in the pediatric population has not been as widely studied as the treatment of depressive episodes in bipolar disorder in adults, therefore pharmacotherapeutic options are limited. Given the change in disease state and safety demonstrated in adults with depressive episodes associate... Read More
Between 10 years and 17 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: IPS Research Company /ID# 227072, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma +4 locations
Conditions: Depression, Bipolar I Disorder
Multicenter Study of Lumateperone for the Treatment of Bipolar Depression in Pediatric Patients
This is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in pediatric patients who are experiencing major depressive episodes (MDEs) associated with a primary diagnosis of bipolar I or bipolar II disorder as confirmed by Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL), according to criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM 5).
Between 10 years and 17 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Clinical Site, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma +1 locations
Conditions: Bipolar Depression
A Prospective, Multi-center, Randomized Controlled Blinded Trial Demonstrating the Safety and Effectiveness of VNS Therapy® System as Adjunctive Therapy Versus a No Stimulation Control in Subjects With Treatment-Resistant Depression
Objectives of this study are to determine whether active VNS Therapy treatment is superior to a no stimulation control in producing a reduction in baseline depressive symptom severity, based on multiple depression scale assessment tools at 12 months from randomization.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: NPC Research, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma +2 locations
Conditions: Treatment Resistant Depression
Effects of Acute Exercise and Ibuprofen on Symptoms, Immunity, and Neural Circuits in Bipolar Depression
This is a 2x2, within-subjects, cross-over trial to test the anti-depressant effects of acute exercise in 20 participants with bipolar depression. Participants will complete four experimental sessions, two with an exercise challenge and two with a resting control condition in a counterbalanced order. Participants will receive either 800mg of ibuprofen or placebo before exercise or rest in order to test whether blocking the inflammatory response to exercise interferes with the neural and psycholo... Read More
Between 18 years and 55 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Conditions: Bipolar Depression
Evaluation of a Keto-Like Supplement on Brain Responses to Emotional Stimuli in Depression
This study aims to determine whether a keto-like supplement relative to placebo results in functional brain changes during fMRI tasks evaluating positive and negative valence in individuals with moderate to severe depression. In this double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial, 75 individuals with a Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) scale score ≥ 10 (MDD) will be enrolled to participate in an 8-week treatment study to obtain 60 completers. Participants will be randomized with a 1-1 ratio... Read More
Between 18 years and 65 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Conditions: Depression
Amplification of Positivity for Alcohol Use
The proposed study consists of two phases. During Phase 1, the investigators will recruit a small sample of participants to complete a psychosocial intervention termed Amplification of Positivity (AMP) for individuals experiencing comorbid depression or anxiety disorders and alcohol use disorder (AMP-A). These participants will be asked to provide both qualitative and quantitative input about the AMP-A intervention. Based on their input and clinician input, the AMP-A manual will be modified for... Read More
Between 18 years and 65 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Processes and Circuitry Underlying Threat Sensitivity as a Treatment Target for Co-morbid Anxiety and Depression
This mechanistic study uses an anti anxiety drug and brain imaging to study the threat processing system and associated brain circuits in people with depression, anxiety disorders and comorbid depression and anxiety disorders. In a double blind, placebo controlled crossover design, up to 65 individuals will be recruited who will have a diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD) and at least one anxiety disorder (AD) (AD-MDD group), up to 65 participants will have a diagnosis of MDD and no diag... Read More
Between 18 years and 65 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Conditions: Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Depression, Anxiety and Fear, Anxiety Disorders, Anxious Depression
Approach-Avoidance, Computational Framework for Predicting Behavioral Therapy Outcome (AAC-BeT)
Depression and anxiety disorders rank in the top ten causes of years lived with disability. Less than 50% of patients experiencing long-lasting improvements to current gold-standard treatments. Two gold-standard behavioral interventions include behavioral activation, focused on enhancing approach behavior towards meaningful activities, and exposure-based therapy, focused on decreasing avoidance and challenging negative expectations. While these interventions have divergent treatment targets, the... Read More
Between 18 years and 65 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Conditions: Anxiety, Depression
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