Respiratory Insufficiency Clinical Trials
A listing of 8 Respiratory Insufficiency clinical trials actively recruiting volunteers for paid trials and research studies in various therapeutic areas.
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There are currently 8 active clinical trials seeking participants for Respiratory Insufficiency research studies. The states with the highest number of trials for Respiratory Insufficiency participants are Florida, California, Ontario and Texas.
Featured Trial
Paid Clinical Studies Nationwide
Nationwide clinical trials offered in your area. Some trials offering up to several thousand dollars in compensation for participation.
Featured Trial
Chronic Cough Clinical Study
We are evaluating an investigational treatment to see if it may help people dealing with chronic cough.
Eligible participants will receive study-related medical care at no cost. You may be compensated for study-related travel and time. Health insurance is not required. If you qualify, you may receive:
Payment up to $1500, which varies by study.
Eligible participants will receive study-related medical care at no cost. You may be compensated for study-related travel and time. Health insurance is not required. If you qualify, you may receive:
Payment up to $1500, which varies by study.
Chronic Cough
Allergic Asthma
Featured Trial
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is an FDA-approved, non-invasive form of brain stimulation for OCD. TMS has been shown to be an effective form of treatment in individuals with OCD. By using a form of TMS termed theta-burst stimulation (TBS), we hope that this will result in a more effective treatment by producing faster symptom reduction. We are trialing a novel form of accelerated TMS, where we will deliver ten 10-minute sessions per day, for 5 days. This study will compare the efficacy of TMS for OCD at two distinct brain regions. Participants will be randomized into one of two study groups, and receive stimulation at either the DMPFC or R-OFC. Both regions have been linked to OCD by research. Patients that don't respond to their study region will have the option to receive stimulation at the other region.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive-compulsive Disorders and Symptoms
Featured Trial
High Triglyceride Clinical Research Study
Living with high triglycerides? See if our clinical study is right for you.
Don’t let financial stress hold you back. All clinical study-related assessments, care, and the investigational study drug are available at no cost. You could also be eligible for compensation for travel.
Don’t let financial stress hold you back. All clinical study-related assessments, care, and the investigational study drug are available at no cost. You could also be eligible for compensation for travel.
High Triglycerides
High Triglyceride Level
Elevated Triglycerides
Triglycerides High
Combined Respiratory Training in Persons with ALS
The goal of this interventional trial is to learn about lung volume recruitment (LVR) and expiratory muscle strength training (EMST) in a total of up to 39 patients diagnosed with ALS. The following aims will be addressed:
1. Determine the impact of combined LVR and EMST on cough strength and respiratory function in individuals with ALS.
2. Determine the impact of combined LVR and EMST on patient-reported dyspnea and bulbar impairment.
3. Describe the effect of combined LVR and EMST on patient-... Read More
Between 18 years and 90 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Multicenter HomeVENT: Home Values and Experiences Navigation Track
This is a multicenter study to test a decision-making support process for families and clinicians facing decisions about chronic home ventilation for a child. The investigators hypothesize that the intervention will increase family preparedness for decision-making and will improve clinician-family shared-decision making. Half of families will be assigned to "usual care" arm and half to the "intervention" arm. Intervention families will view the study website with study staff and will answer ques... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Johns Hopkins All Childrens Hospital, Tampa, Florida +3 locations
Conditions: Pediatric ALL, Respiratory Insufficiency, Communication
Delayed Cord Clamping With Oxygen In Extremely Low Gestation Infants
This study is being conducted to compare the incidence of preterm infants (up to 28+6 weeks GA) who achieve a peripheral oxygen saturation of 80 percent by 5 minutes of life (MOL) given mask CPAP/PPV with an FiO2 of 1.0 during DCC for 90 seconds (HI Group) to infants given mask CPAP/PPV with an FiO2 of .30 during DCC for 90 seconds (LO Group).
Between 22 weeks and 28 weeks
Trial Updated:
Locations: University of California Davis, Davis, California +2 locations
Conditions: IVH- Intraventricular Hemorrhage, Extreme Prematurity, Hypoxia Neonatal, Hyperoxia, Respiratory Insufficiency
Wearable Wireless Respiratory Monitoring System That Detects and Predicts Opioid Induced Respiratory Depression
An observational study will be conducted in approximately 14 participants to evaluate the ability of a wearable, wireless acoustic Respiratory Monitoring System (RMS) to accurately measure a participant's respiratory rate, tidal volume, minute ventilation, and duration of apnea in a noisy environment. Sensor accuracy will be measured with adaptive filtering and active noise cancellation turned on versus turned off.
Between 18 years and 70 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Conditions: Respiratory Insufficiency, Clinical Deterioration
Behavioral Activation-Rehabilitation to Improve Depressive Symptoms & Physical Function After Acute Respiratory Failure
More and more people are surviving after receiving life support for respiratory failure in the intensive care unit, but these patients often experience problems with depression and physical functioning that lead to reduced quality of life. There is a lack of treatment for these patients, with past research suggesting that treatment may be more successful if mental and physical health are addressed at the same time. This research evaluates whether a therapy delivered via telephone and home visits... Read More
Between 18 years and 100 years
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Locations: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
Thoracoabdominal Asynchrony and Respiratory Distress
The investigators hypothesize that a simple 3-point tracking device that uses motion sensors attached to the abdomen and chest of a child will provide information regarding thoracoabdominal asynchrony (TAA), a major component of respiratory distress, and ultimately help guide a clinician to initiate, escalate, de-escalate, or stop respiratory support interventions.
AIMS To determine if the TAA-monitoring device can be used to detect differences in respiratory synchrony in a manner that is clini... Read More
Between 28 days and 17 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Respiratory Insufficiency
Capnography in the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU)
To understand if a progressive increase in end-tidal carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are heralding respiratory difficulties before desaturation measured from capnography in obstructive sleep apnea patients, with the use of nasal prongs, transcutaneous monitors, Capnostream, and Massimo technologies.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, Florida
Conditions: Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Bariatric Surgery Candidate, Respiratory Insufficiency
Sugammadex vs. Placebo to Prevent Residual Neuromuscular Block in the Post---Anesthesia Care Unit
The Primary objective of this study is to determine whether patients who receive sugammadex immediately after tracheal extubation will exhibit a decrease in the incidence of postoperative residual paralysis and an associated decrease in the incidence of postoperative respiratory depression (which can precede critical respiratory events, CRE).
The Secondary objectives are to: a) determine whether patients receiving sugammadex will have a normal TOF ratio (>0.90) indicative of full neuromuscular... Read More
Between 18 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Memorial Hermann Hospital, Houston, Texas
Conditions: Neuromuscular Blockade, Respiratory Insufficiency
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