There are currently 24 active clinical trials seeking participants for Pediatric Obesity research studies. The states with the highest number of trials for Pediatric Obesity participants are North Carolina, New York, California and Pennsylvania.
Healthy Eating for My Infant (HEMI)
Infants from underserved and minority backgrounds are at increased risk for obesity and poor feeding and nutrition outcomes, but obesity prevention programs tailored specifically to the needs of these infants are lacking. The current study takes a community-engaged approach to development and delivery of an adaptively tailored obesity prevention program delivered via home visiting to target infant eating and feeding (Healthy Eating for My Infant; HEMI).
Between 2 months and 9 months
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Locations: University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio +1 locations
Conditions: Pediatric Obesity
Assessing Better Bottles for Babies
This study will use a 2 x 2 factorial design to test impact of two intervention strategies (bottle size and bottle opacity) on infant weight gain.
Between 3 days and 1 month
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Locations: Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
Conditions: Pediatric Obesity, Weight Gain Trajectory, Infant Obesity
Nutrition and Obesity in Under-Represented Populations: Food Insecurity Research to Advance Science and Improve Health
Food insecurity is associated with obesity in children, and childhood obesity leads to long term health consequences. While existing research shows that food benefit programs reduce food insecurity, little is known about the mediating factors between food benefit programs and child health. The purpose of this study is to understand if the resolution of food insecurity in young children with early onset obesity can improve body mass index (BMI) over one year, and if so, by what mechanisms. The in... Read More
Between 12 months and 24 months
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Locations: North Duke Street Pediatrics, Durham, North Carolina
Conditions: Pediatric Obesity, Food Insecurity, Nutrition, Healthy, Nutrition Poor
Project THINK: Trajectories of Health, Ingestive Behaviors, and Neurocognition in Kids
Overweight/obesity and loss of control eating (characterized by the sense that one cannot control what or how much one is eating) are prevalent among children and adolescents, and both are associated with serious medical and psychosocial health complications. Although our recently published data suggest that youth with these conditions may have relative deficits in neurocognitive functioning, particularly working memory, understanding of how these processes and their neural correlates are relate... Read More
Between 9 years and 12 years
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Locations: University of PIttsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania +1 locations
Conditions: Pediatric Obesity, Binge-Eating Disorder
Stay In Treatment for Pediatric Weight Management
Attrition from pediatric weight management programs is unacceptably high, with dropout ranging from 27-73%. This project will utilize a model that predicts dropout from treatment, increasing its power and accuracy through a multi-site observational study. This will result in a powerful tool that will be used to decrease attrition from pediatric weight management, with the potential for widespread dissemination to improve treatment outcomes.
7 years and above
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Locations: Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri +1 locations
Conditions: Pediatric Obesity, Attrition, Family Research, Weight Loss
iAmHealthy Parents First: A Televideo Parent and Child Obesity Program for Rural Families
The purpose of this study is to assess whether providing a parent-only group program before providing a parent and child group program works better than the parent and child group program alone.
6 years and above
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Locations: University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas
Conditions: Weight Loss, Pediatric Obesity
Pediatric Hypertension and the Renin-Angiotensin SystEm (PHRASE)
Studying the causal roles of components of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (including angiotensin-(1-7) (Ang-(1-7)), angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), Ang II, and ACE), uric acid, and klotho in pediatric hypertension and related target organ injury, including in the heart, kidneys, vasculature, and brain. Recruiting children with a new hypertension diagnosis over a 2-year period from the Hypertension and Pediatric Nephrology Clinics affiliated with Brenner Children's Hospital at A... Read More
Between 7 years and 18 years
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Locations: Wake Forest Health Sciences, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Conditions: Hypertension, Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular Dysfunction, Left Atrial Dilatation, Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction, Kidney Diseases, Kidney Injury, Kidney Dysfunction, Sodium Urine High, Blood Pressure Disorders, Uric Acid Retention, Angiotensin Hypertension, Autonomic Dysfunction, Autonomic Imbalance, Pediatric Kidney Disease, Pediatric Obesity, Proteinuria, Albuminuria
Dyad Plus Effectiveness
The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of a coordinated program (Dyad Plus) that would help to facilitate self-monitoring, positive communication, joint problem solving, and social support to increase physical activity, healthy eating, and weight loss. Participants of the Brenner FIT (Families In Training) pediatric weight management program and their parent/guardian will co-enroll in weight loss programs. Parents/guardians will receive the components of By Design Essenti... Read More
Between 13 years and 65 years
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Locations: Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Conditions: Weight Loss, Pediatric Obesity, Overweight Adolescents, Parent-Child Relations, Family and Household
Mechanistic Study of Inspiratory Training in Childhood Asthma (MICA)
This is single-center cross-sectional mechanistic study in lean and obese children with moderate-severe asthma, followed by a randomized, SHAM-controlled trial of Inspiratory Training (IT). The primary outcome is to describe the contributions of inspiratory muscle dysfunction (IMD) and Small Airway Dysfunction (SAD) to obesity-related versus non-obesity-related asthma. The study will involve training (IT) for 8 weeks at three intensity levels (SHAM, low and high). Target dose: 150 inspirations t... Read More
Between 6 years and 17 years
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Locations: Duke Health Center Creekstone, Durham, North Carolina +1 locations
Conditions: Asthma in Children, Obesity, Pediatric Obesity, Pediatric Asthma
Inspiratory Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Children With Obesity and Asthma
This is a single-center, randomized, SHAM-controlled, parallel assignment, double-masked,8-week interventional study among children aged 8-17 years (not yet 18 years old) of age with obesity and asthma. (n=60), recruited from Duke Health Center Creekstone, to test the effectiveness of inspiratory muscle rehabilitation (IMR) as an acceptable add-on intervention to reduce dyspnea (feeling short-of-breath or breathless) and to promote greater activity in children with obesity and asthma. Clinic to... Read More
Between 8 years and 17 years
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Locations: Duke Healthy Lifestyles Clinic, Durham, North Carolina
Conditions: Pediatric Obesity, Pediatric Asthma
Nurturing Needs Study: Parenting Food Motivated Children
High food motivation among children is trait-like and increases risks of unhealthy dietary intake and obesity. Scientific knowledge of how parenting can best support healthy eating habits and growth among children who are predisposed to overeating is surprisingly limited. This investigation will identify supportive food parenting approaches for obesity prevention that address the needs of highly food motivated children.
Between 4 years and 5 years
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Locations: Temple University - Center for Obesity Research and Education, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania +1 locations
Conditions: Parenting, Eating Behavior, Diet, Healthy, Pediatric Obesity
Early vs. Late Time-Restricted Eating in Adolescents With Obesity (EL TREA)
Determine the effectiveness of how limiting the time you eat within an early or late eating window and fasting for remainder of the day will impact weight loss and body mass index (BMI).
Between 12 years and 21 years
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Locations: Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
Conditions: Pediatric Obesity, Time Restricted Feeding, Time Restricted Eating