Healthy Paid Clinical Trials in Rhode Island
A listing of 3 Healthy clinical trials in Rhode Island actively recruiting volunteers for paid trials and research studies in various therapeutic areas.
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The state of Rhode Island currently has 3 active clinical trials seeking participants for Healthy research studies. These trials are conducted in various cities, including Providence, Warwick, East Providence and Johnston.
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Paid Clinical Studies Nationwide
Nationwide clinical trials offered in your area. Some trials offering up to several thousand dollars in compensation for participation.
Featured Trial
Chronic Cough Clinical Study
We are evaluating an investigational treatment to see if it may help people dealing with chronic cough.
Eligible participants will receive study-related medical care at no cost. You may be compensated for study-related travel and time. Health insurance is not required. If you qualify, you may receive:
Payment up to $1500, which varies by study.
Eligible participants will receive study-related medical care at no cost. You may be compensated for study-related travel and time. Health insurance is not required. If you qualify, you may receive:
Payment up to $1500, which varies by study.
Chronic Cough
Allergic Asthma
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Healthy Volunteer Trials
Healthy trials near you are looking for participants to help push medical research forward. Click through to learn more!
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Interested in vaccine studies Trials
Interested in vaccine studies trials near you are looking for participants to help push medical research forward. Click through to learn more!
Interested in vaccine studies
Healthy Volunteers
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Healthy Volunteer Clinical Studies
Find a study looking for volunteers at a study site near you! Some trials offer compensation for time and travel. Click through to learn more about study opportunities.
Healthy Volunteers
Featured Trial
Narcolepsy Clinical Study
The Vibrance Studies are researching the safety and effectiveness of a once-daily oral investigational study drug and how it may work in adults 18–70 years of age for the potential treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) symptoms in adults with narcolepsy type 1 (NT1) or narcolepsy type 2 (NT2).
All participants who qualify will receive the study drug or placebo (a tablet that looks like the study drug but contains no active medicine), as well as study-related procedures and study-related laboratory tests at no cost. Compensation for time and travel may also be available.
All participants who qualify will receive the study drug or placebo (a tablet that looks like the study drug but contains no active medicine), as well as study-related procedures and study-related laboratory tests at no cost. Compensation for time and travel may also be available.
Narcolepsy With Cataplexy
Narcolepsy Without Cataplexy
Narcolepsy 1
Narcolepsy Type 1
Cognitive Control & the Functional Organization of the Frontal Cortex
The goal of this basic experimental clinical trial is to understand the effect of multitasking practice on the structure of neural representations of tasks in the human lateral prefrontal cortex and control brain regions. The main question it aims to answer is: What changes in neural representational structure predict improvements in multitasking behavior due to multitasking practice? Healthy human participants will learn two independent tasks, each mapping a set of stimuli to motor responses ba... Read More
Between 18 years and 35 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Metcalf Research Building, Brown University & MRI Research Facility, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Conditions: Multitasking Behavior and Neural Representations Associated With Multitasking Ability, Healthy Volunteers, Executive Function
Strong Families Start at Home/Familias Fuertes Comienzan en Casa
The goal of this clinical trial is to test the ability of a home-based parental nutrition intervention to improve diet quality in preschool aged children within low-income, Latinx/Hispanic families. The main questions it aims to answer are:
Does this enhanced intervention change children's diet quality?
Does this enhanced intervention change parental feeding practices?
Does this enhanced intervention change the availability of healthy foods in the home?
Participants will:
Work with a support... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Conditions: Metabolic Syndrome, Protection Against, Diet, Healthy
Feasibility of Cardiovascular Health Intervention Within Evidence-based Home Visiting
The purpose of this pilot study is to examine the feasibility and acceptability of brief lifestyle intervention modules designed to promote healthy eating, activity, and weight control for pregnant and postpartum clients receiving care as part of evidence-based home visiting.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Miriam Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island
Conditions: Diet, Healthy, Inactivity, Physical, Obesity