The city of Cleveland, Ohio, currently has 3 active clinical trials seeking participants for COPD research studies.
An Evaluation of the AeriSeal System for CONVERTing Collateral Ventilation Status in Patients with Severe Emphysema
This is a prospective, open-label, multi-center, single-arm study planned to enroll 200 subjects with heterogeneous emphysema and collateral ventilation (CV) in the target lobe. Subjects will undergo instillation of AeriSeal Foam in the target lobe and subsequent assessment of CV status using Chartis Pulmonary Assessment System. Subjects with CV- status will then undergo placement of Zephyr Valve in the target lobe for bronchoscopic lung volume reduction (BLVR) and be followed for 24 months.
Between 40 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Cleveland VA Northeast, Cleveland, Ohio
Conditions: Emphysema, Pulmonary, Emphysema or COPD
MyAirvo 3 (High Flow Nasal Therapy; HFNT) for COPD Patients in the Home
Parallel-group, prospective, randomized, controlled phase III trial of home High flow Nasal Therapy (HFNT) via myAirvo 3 plus usual COPD medical care vs. usual COPD medical care, for at least 1 year and up to two years in 642 GOLD Grade D, Stages II-IV patients with moderate to very severe COPD at risk for moderate and severe exacerbations with a prior history of severe exacerbation requiring hospitalization within the past 6 weeks.
30 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio
Conditions: COPD
A Study Evaluating the Efficacy of Budesonide, Glycopyrronium and Formoterol Fumarate Metered Dosed Inhaler on Cardiopulmonary Outcomes in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
This study will evaluate the effect of triple ICS/LAMA/LABA therapy with BGF MDI 320/14.4/9.6 μg on cardiopulmonary outcomes relative to LAMA/LABA therapy with GFF MDI 14.4/9.6 μg in a population with COPD and elevated cardiopulmonary risk.
Between 40 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Research Site, Cleveland, Ohio
Conditions: COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)