The state of Pennsylvania currently has 50 active clinical trials seeking participants for Arthritis research studies. These trials are conducted in various cities, including Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Hershey and Allentown.
Cemented Vs Cementless Persona Keel RCT
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the safety, performance, and clinical benefits of the Persona Keel cementless and cemented knee.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Rothman Institute, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania +1 locations
Conditions: Knee Pain Chronic, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Traumatic Arthritis, Polyarthritis, Avascular Necrosis, Varus Deformity, Valgus Deformity, Flexion Deformity of Knee
Study to Assess Change in Disease Activity and Adverse Events of Oral Upadacitinib Compared to Subcutaneous Adalimumab in Adult Participants With Moderate to Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease causing pain, stiffness, swelling and loss of joint function. This study will assess how safe and effective upadacitinib is in treating RA when compared to adalimumab in adult participants with inadequate response or intolerance to one TNF-inhibitor who are on a stable dose of methotrexate (MTX). Adverse events and change in disease activity will be assessed. Upadacitinib is an approved drug for the treatment of RA. This study is doubl... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Clinical Research of Philadelphia, LLC /ID# 255025, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Conditions: Rheumatoid Arthritis
Nivolumab in Treating Patients With Autoimmune Disorders and Advanced, Metastatic, or Unresectable Cancer
This phase Ib trial studies the side effects of nivolumab and to see how well it works in treating patients with autoimmune disorders and cancer that has spread to other places in the body or cannot removed by surgery. Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies, such as nivolumab, may help the body's immune system attack the cancer, and may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania +1 locations
Conditions: Autoimmune Disease, Crohn Disease, Dermatomyositis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjogren Syndrome, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic Scleroderma, Ulcerative Colitis, Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Cell Neoplasm, Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Malignant Solid Neoplasm
A Study of Zasocitinib in Adults With Psoriatic Arthritis Who Have Not Taken Biologic Medicines
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the joints and skin in people who have psoriasis (PsO). The main aim of the study is to know how well zasocitinib (TAK-279) works in participants with active PsA who have not previously been treated with biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. The participants will be treated with either zasocitinib, active comparator, or placebo. Participants will be in the study for up to 60 weeks.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: PA Regional Center for Arthritis and Osteoporosis Research, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania
Conditions: Psoriatic Arthritis
Study of GS-0272 in Participants With Rheumatoid Arthritis
The goals of this clinical study are to learn more about the study drug, GS-0272, and its safety and tolerability following multiple doses in participants with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The primary objectives of this study are to assess the safety and tolerability of multiple ascending doses of GS-0272 and to characterize the pharmacokinetics of GS-0272 following multiple doses of GS-0272, in participants with RA.
Between 18 years and 75 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Altoona Center for Clinical Research, Duncansville, Pennsylvania
Conditions: Rheumatoid Arthritis
ZILRETTA in Subjects With Shoulder Osteoarthritis
Primary Objective: To assess the efficacy of ZILRETTA on pain following an intra-articular (IA) injection in subjects with glenohumeral osteoarthritis (OA) relative to normal saline placebo Secondary Objective: * To assess the efficacy of ZILRETTA on pain following an IA injection in subjects with glenohumeral OA relative to triamcinolone acetonide injectable suspension, immediate release (TCA-IR) and normal saline placebo * To assess the safety of ZILRETTA in subjects with glenohumeral OA rel... Read More
Between 50 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: University Orthopedics Center, Altoona, Pennsylvania +2 locations
Conditions: Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis
Reduced Intensity Conditioning for Non-Malignant Disorders Undergoing UCBT, BMT or PBSCT
The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of using a reduced-intensity condition (RIC) regimen with umbilical cord blood transplant (UCBT), double cord UCBT, matched unrelated donor (MUD) bone marrow transplant (BMT) or peripheral blood stem cell transplant (PBSCT) in patients with non-malignant disorders that are amenable to treatment with hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT). After transplant, subjects will be followed for late effects and for ongoing graft success.
Between 2 months and 55 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Conditions: Primary Immunodeficiency (PID), Congenital Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes, Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMD), Hereditary Anemias, Inflammatory Conditions, Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (sJIA), Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA)
A Study to Assess Safety and Tolerability of PCRX-201 in Subjects With Painful Osteoarthritis of the Knee
The goal of this clinical trial is to learn if a single knee injection of different doses (Dose A and Dose B) of an investigation product PCRX-201, following steroid pretreatment, is safe and tolerable in male of female patients 45 to 80 years old with osteoarthritis of the knee. It will also learn how the body reacts to the PCRX-201 injection and how effective the treatment is. Researchers will compare Dose A and Dose B of PCRX-201 versus placebo from Week 1 through Week 52 to assess adverse e... Read More
Between 45 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Altoona Center for Clinical Research, Duncansville, Pennsylvania
Conditions: Osteoarthritis (OA) of the Knee
Psoriatic Arthritis D2P Screening
The overarching goal of this study is to develop a direct-to-patient screening approach that will improve early Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) detection in patients with psoriasis. Previously developed screening questionnaires were intended for use in the setting of a doctor's office to assist providers with referral decisions. However, these screening questionnaires are infrequently used in routine practice because of limitations with time and resources. The study will aim to develop a practical scr... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Conditions: Psoriatic Arthritis
A Study of Zasocitinib in Adults With Psoriatic Arthritis Who Have or Have Not Been Treated With Biologic Medicines
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the joints and skin in people who have psoriasis (PsO). The main aim of the study is to know how well zasocitinib (TAK-279) works in participants with active PsA based on their previous experience with specific treatments. The participants will be treated with either zasocitinib, or placebo. Participants will be in the study for up to 60 weeks.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Altoona Center for Clinical Research | Ducansville, PA, Duncansville, Pennsylvania
Conditions: Psoriatic Arthritis
A Study to Evaluate the Effect of Bimekizumab on Gene Expression Biomarkers in Study Participants With Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of bimekizumab on gene expression biomarkers at Week 48 in a subset of study participants with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis (PSO) and moderate to severe plaque PSO with concomitant active psoriatic arthritis (PsA) who have provided skin biopsies for reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Ps0039 50491, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Conditions: Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis
A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Bimekizumab in Adult Study Participants With Active Psoriatic Arthritis
The purpose of the study is to compare the efficacy of bimekizumab versus risankizumab after 16 weeks of treatment in study participants with active psoriatic arthritis (PsA).
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Pa0016 50652, Duncansville, Pennsylvania +1 locations
Conditions: Psoriatic Arthritis