There are currently 2749 clinical trials in Boston, Massachusetts looking for participants to engage in research studies. Trials are conducted at various facilities, including Massachusetts General Hospital, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Brigham and Women's Hospital. Whether you're a healthy volunteer looking to participate in paid medical research or seeking trials related to a specific condition, the city provides a diverse range of opportunities near you.
Tiragolumab and Atezolizumab for the Treatment of Relapsed or Refractory SMARCB1 or SMARCA4 Deficient Tumors
This phase I/II trial studies how well tiragolumab and atezolizumab works when given to children and adults with SMARCB1 or SMARCA4 deficient tumors that have either come back (relapsed) or do not respond to therapy (refractory). SMARCB1 or SMARCA4 deficiency means that tumor cells are missing the SMARCB1 and SMARCA4 genes, seen with some aggressive cancers that are typically hard to treat. Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies, such as tiragolumab and atezolizumab, may help the body's immune... Read More
12 months and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor, Epithelioid Sarcoma, Kidney Medullary Carcinoma, Malignant Solid Neoplasm, Poorly Differentiated Chordoma, Recurrent Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor, Recurrent Chordoma, Recurrent Epithelioid Sarcoma, Recurrent Kidney Medullary Carcinoma, Recurrent Rhabdoid Tumor, Refractory Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor, Refractory Chordoma, Refractory Epithelioid Sarcoma, Refractory Kidney Medullary Carcinoma, Refractory Rhabdoid Tumor, Rhabdoid Tumor, Recurrent Malignant Solid Neoplasm, Refractory Malignant Solid Neoplasm
Testing the Effects of Novel Therapeutics for Newly Diagnosed, Untreated Patients With High-Risk Acute Myeloid Leukemia (A MyeloMATCH Treatment Trial)
This phase II MyeloMATCH treatment trial tests whether the standard approach of cytarabine and daunorubicin in comparison to the following experimental regimens works to shrink cancer in patients with high risk acute myeloid leukemia (AML): 1) daunorubicin and cytarabine liposome alone; 2) cytarabine and daunorubicin with venetoclax; 3) azacitidine and venetoclax; 4) daunorubicin and cytarabine liposome and venetoclax. "High-risk" refers to traits that have been known to make the AML harder to t... Read More
Between 18 years and 59 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Acute Myeloid Leukemia Arising From Previous Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Neoplasm, Acute Myeloid Leukemia Post Cytotoxic Therapy, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Myelodysplasia-Related
Venetoclax and HMA Treatment of Older and Unfit Adults With FLT3 Mutated Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) (A MyeloMATCH Treatment Trial)
This phase II MyeloMATCH treatment trial compares the usual treatment of azacitidine and venetoclax to the combination treatment of azacitidine, venetoclax and gilteritinib in treating older and unfit patients with acute myeloid leukemia and FLT3 mutations. Azacitidine is a drug that is absorbed into DNA and leads to the activation of cancer suppressor genes, which are genes that help control cell growth. Venetoclax is in a class of medications called B-cell lymphoma-2 (BCL-2) inhibitors. It may... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Acute Myeloid Leukemia
A Study of Safety and Efficacy of KFA115 Alone and in Combo With Pembrolizumab in Patients With Select Advanced Cancers
The purpose of this study is to characterize the safety and tolerability of KFA115 and KFA115 in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with select advanced cancers, and to identify the maximum tolerated dose and/or recommended dose.
Between 18 years and 100 years
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Locations: Massachusetts General Hospital ., Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung, Cutaneous Melanoma, Carcinoma, Renal Cell, Carcinoma, Ovarian Epithelial, Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Carcinoma, Thymic, Anal Cancer, Mesothelioma, Esophagogastric Cancer, High Microsatellite Instability Colorectal Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms
Study of Chemotherapy Plus Ipatasertib for People With Solid Tumors With PTEN/AKT Mutations, A ComboMATCH Treatment Trial
This phase II ComboMATCH treatment trial tests the usual treatment of chemotherapy (paclitaxel) plus ipatasertib in patients with solid tumor cancers that that cannot be removed by surgery (unresectable), has spread to nearby tissue or lymph nodes (locally advanced) or from where it first started (primary site) to other places in the body (metastatic), and has PTEN and AKT genetic changes. Chemotherapy drugs, such as paclitaxel, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Locally Advanced Malignant Solid Neoplasm, Metastatic Malignant Solid Neoplasm, Unresectable Malignant Solid Neoplasm
Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Inhaled Treprostinil in Subjects With Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis (TETON-PPF)
Study RIN-PF-305 is designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of inhaled treprostinil in subjects with progressive pulmonary fibrosis (PPF) over a 52-week period.
18 years and above
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Locations: Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts +1 locations
Conditions: Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis, Interstitial Lung Disease
Nivolumab in Combination With Chemo-Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Primary Mediastinal B-Cell Lymphoma
This phase III trial compares the effects of nivolumab with chemo-immunotherapy versus chemo-immunotherapy alone in treating patients with newly diagnosed primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL). Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies, such as nivolumab, may help the body's immune system attack the cancer, and may interfere with the ability of cancer cells to grow and spread. Treatment for PMBCL involves chemotherapy combined with an immunotherapy called rituximab. Chemotherapy drugs work... Read More
2 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts +1 locations
Conditions: Primary Mediastinal Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Testing the Safety and Efficacy of the Addition of A New Anti-cancer Drug, ZEN003694, to Chemotherapy Treatment (Etoposide and Cisplatin) for Adult and Pediatric Patients (12-17 Years) With NUT Carcinoma
This phase I/II trial tests the safety, side effects, and best dose of a new combination of drugs, ZEN003694, cisplatin, and etoposide in treating patients with NUT carcinoma (phase I), and identifies whether this combination therapy works to shrink tumor in these patients (phase II). Another purpose of this study is to see whether there are any changes in patient's tumor or blood characteristics (e.g. genes, molecules, etc.) due to combination therapy. ZEN003694 inhibits the production of certa... Read More
12 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Metastatic NUT Carcinoma, Unresectable NUT Carcinoma, Advanced NUT Carcinoma
Testing the Use of the Combination of Selumetinib and Olaparib or Selumetinib Alone Targeted Treatment for RAS Pathway Mutant Recurrent or Persistent Ovarian and Endometrial Cancers, A ComboMATCH Treatment Trial
This phase II ComboMATCH treatment trial compares selumetinib plus olaparib to selumetinib alone in women with endometrial or ovarian (fallopian tube and primary peritoneal) cancer that has come back (recurrent) or that remains despite treatment (persistent) and harbors a mutation in the RAS pathway. Selumetinib may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. Olaparib is an inhibitor of PARP, an enzyme that helps repair deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) when... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Recurrent Endometrial Carcinoma, Recurrent Ovarian Carcinoma, Recurrent Fallopian Tube Carcinoma, Recurrent Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma
Palbociclib and Binimetinib in RAS-Mutant Cancers, A ComboMATCH Treatment Trial
This phase II ComboMATCH treatment trial evaluates the effectiveness of palbociclib and binimetinib in treating patients with RAS-mutated cancers. Palbociclib and binimetinib are both in a class of medications called kinase inhibitors. They work by blocking the action of abnormal proteins that signals cancer cells to multiply. This trial may help researchers understand if giving the combination of palbociclib and binimetinib can help improve the amount of time before the cancer grows in patients... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Malignant Solid Neoplasm, Ovarian Low Grade Serous Adenocarcinoma, Stage IV Ovarian Cancer AJCC v8, Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer AJCC v8, Exocrine Pancreas Carcinoma
Combination Chemotherapy, Bevacizumab, and/or Atezolizumab in Treating Patients With Deficient DNA Mismatch Repair Metastatic Colorectal Cancer, the COMMIT Study
This phase III trial studies how well combination chemotherapy, bevacizumab, and/or atezolizumab work in treating patients with deficient deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) mismatch repair colorectal cancer that has spread from where it first started (primary site) to other places in the body (metastatic). Chemotherapy drugs, such as fluorouracil, oxaliplatin, and leucovorin calcium, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, o... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Metastatic Colorectal Adenocarcinoma, Stage IV Colorectal Cancer AJCC v7
Comparing Cytarabine + Daunorubicin Therapy Versus Cytarabine + Daunorubicin + Venetoclax Versus Venetoclax + Azacitidine in Younger Patients With Intermediate Risk AML (A MyeloMATCH Treatment Trial)
This phase II MyeloMATCH treatment trial compares cytarabine with daunorubicin versus cytarabine with daunorubicin and venetoclax versus venetoclax with azacitidine for the treatment of younger patients with intermediate risk acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Cytarabine is a drug that inhibits some of the enzymes needed for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication and repair and can slow or stop the growth of cancer cells. Daunorubicin is a drug that blocks a certain enzyme needed for cell division a... Read More
Between 18 years and 59 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Acute Myeloid Leukemia