The city of Orlando, Florida, currently has 7 active clinical trials seeking participants for Parkinson's Disease research studies.
To Evaluate the Efficacy of CVN424 in Parkinson's Disease Participants With Motor Complications
This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study in participants with Parkinson's disease (PD) with motor fluctuations. Participants will be randomized to receive once-daily oral doses of either 75 milligrams (mg) CVN424, 150 mg CVN424, or a matching placebo for 12 weeks. Participants who successfully complete this study and retain eligibility/suitability will be invited to participate in a future open-label extension (OLE) study.
30 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: N1 Research LLc, Orlando, Florida
Conditions: Parkinson Disease
Phase 1/2a Clinical Trial of PR001 (LY3884961) in Patients With Parkinson's Disease With at Least One GBA1 Mutation (PROPEL)
Study J3Z-MC-OJAA is a Phase 1/2a, multicenter, open-label, ascending dose, first in-human study that will evaluate the safety of intracisternal LY3884961 administration in patients with moderate to severe Parkinson's disease with at least 1 pathogenic GBA1 mutation. Two dose level cohorts of LY3884961 are planned (Dose Level 1 and Dose Level 2). The duration of the study is 5 years. During the first year, patients will be evaluated for the effect of LY3884961 on safety, tolerability, immunogeni... Read More
Between 35 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: PPD, 100 West Gore Street, Suite 202, Orlando, Florida
Conditions: Parkinson Disease
A Phase 2 Study of NEU-411 in Companion Diagnostic-Positive Participants with Early Parkinson's Disease
The goal of this Phase 2 clinical trial is to investigate the efficacy and safety of NEU-411 in men and women aged 50-80 years with early Parkinson's Disease (PD) who have predicted elevations in the activity of the "leucine-rich repeat kinase 2" ("LRRK2" for short) pathway based on their genetic profile. A DNA test will be used to identify the "LRRK2-driven" population with predicted elevation in the LRRK2 pathway. Participants will: • Take NEU-411 or placebo every day for 52 weeks
Between 50 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Neurology One, Orlando, Florida
Conditions: Parkinson Disease, Parkinson, Idiopathic Parkinson Disease, Early Parkinson Disease (Early PD), Parkinson Disease, Idiopathic
Real-World Study of ABBV-951 Subcutaneous Infusion to Assess Change in Disease Activity in Adult Participants With Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurological condition, which affects the brain. PD gets worse over time, but how quickly it progresses varies a lot from person to person. Some symptoms of PD are tremors, stiffness, and slowness of movement. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how effective ABBV-951 is in treating adult participants with advanced PD in real world setting. ABBV-951 (foslevodopa/foscarbidopa) is an approved drug for the treatment of Parkinson's Disease. The main ROSSINI study... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: N1 Research, LLC /ID# 264221, Orlando, Florida
Conditions: Parkinson's Disease (PD)
A Study to Learn About the Safety of BIIB122 Tablets and Whether They Can Slow the Worsening of Early-Stage Parkinson's Disease in Adults Between the Ages of 30 and 80
In this study, researchers will learn more about BIIB122 in participants with early-stage Parkinson's disease (PD). The study will include adults aged 30 to 80 who were diagnosed with PD within 2 years of starting the study. The main objective of the study is to learn about the effect BIIB122 has on slowing down the worsening of PD symptoms. The main question researchers want to answer is: - How long does it take for PD symptoms to worsen during BIIB122 treatment? Researchers will answer this... Read More
Between 30 years and 80 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Adventist Health System/Sunbelt, Inc., Orlando, Florida
Conditions: Parkinson Disease
Lenrispodun as Adjunctive Therapy in the Treatment of Patients With Motor Fluctuations Due to Parkinson's Disease
This is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, fixed-dose study in patients with a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease consistent with the UK Parkinson's Disease Society (UKPDS) Brain Bank diagnostic criteria, who are experiencing wearing off symptoms and levodopa-induced dyskinesia.
40 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Clinical Site, Orlando, Florida +1 locations
Conditions: Parkinson Disease
Dipraglurant (ADX48621) for the Treatment of Patients With Parkinson's Disease Receiving Levodopa-based Therapy
This study is designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of dipraglurant in PD patients with dyskinesia (randomized 1:1 to receive active or placebo) for 12 weeks (1 week at 150 mg per day and 11 weeks at 300 mg per day). The primary efficacy assessment will be based on the Unified Dyskinesia Rating Scale (UDysRS). Patients who complete the 12-week blinded treatment period may have the option to roll into an open-label safety extension study for an additional 12-month treatment period.
Between 30 years and 85 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: AES - DRS - Synexus Clinical Research US, Inc. - Orlando, Orlando, Florida
Conditions: Parkinson Disease, Dyskinesia, Drug-Induced, Dyskinesias