Clinical Trials Utilizing Information Technology

Never has there been a time when technology has played such an integral part of our daily lives. This is especially true of healthcare, where doctors and clinicians continue to lean on innovative and cutting-edge technology solutions to provide higher quality care to their patients. Many of these technologies must also go through the appropriate testing prior to being approved for every-day use, which in turns means that in some cases clinical trials are necessary.

Medical Technologies are generally lumped into specific classes which in turn will determine whether or not the new technology has to go through the stringent process of a full start-to-finish clinical trial. The FDA has provided specific guidelines on what classifies a specific medical technology, and they have provided an exhaustive presentation here.

Is Technology Used Within Clinical Trials?

Information Technology has not only had an effect on the medical technology and devices that are used within a clinical setting, but is also used to actually setup and run effective clinical trials. For researches looking to plan and execute these trials, updates in information technology, including mobile devices, digital communication, data storing and analysis, and patient monitoring, have revolutionized the process of clinical trials.

These new technologies have allowed for medical trials to be much more streamlined then they have historically been, which allows for drugs and technologies to reach consumers faster. Given how long it can take for a company to get a medical or pharmaceutical product to market, any opportunity to use technology to become more efficient is greatly encouraged.

External Link: BIO Space – How is Technology Revolutionizing Clinical Trials

While clinical trials associated with new drugs are generally more available, there are opportunities associated with participating in clinical research that focus on technologies. With the line between technology and medicine continuing to be blurred, through such fields as Biotechnology and Bioengineering, the continued evolution of the blend of healthcare and technology to produce viable solutions and cures will continue to advance.

The following are examples of clinical trials that have a technology component associated with them: