Massachusetts is currently home to 3310 active clinical trials, seeking participants for engagement in research studies. These trials take place at a variety of cities in the state, including Boston, Worcester, Springfield and Burlington. Whether you're a healthy volunteer interested in paid medical research or someone seeking trials related to a specific condition, the state offers a diverse array of opportunities in your vicinity.
Development and Validation of Pediatric Narcolepsy Patient Reported Outcomes Scale
The purpose of this study is to test a pediatric narcolepsy patient reported outcomes tool to assess pediatric narcolepsy symptoms and their effect on daily functioning and quality of life. The goal is to develop a clinical survey that can improve the care of pediatric narcolepsy.
Between 9 years and 17 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Narcolepsy, Obstructive Sleep Apnea
A Text Messaging (SMS) Intervention to Improve Adherence to Stimulant Medications in Children With ADHD
This study will assess the efficacy of the text messaging (SMS-based) disease management intervention for children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) using the timeliness of stimulant prescription renewals over a 9-month period. Parents of participants in the study will receive customized text messages once a day, Sunday through Friday, for a duration of 9 months. The text messages will include reminders to adhere to the individualized medication regimen, reminders to call the... Read More
Between 6 years and 12 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Pilot Study of Biopsy Scanner for Evaluation of Bronchoscopic Small Biopsy Specimens to Determine Adequacy
The aim of the study is to assess the performance of Aquyre Biopsy Scanner technology (the FDA class I medical device) at determining if tissue from the lymph nodes and lung nodules, taken during a bronchoscopy procedure, is adequate for a diagnosis. The study will assess how well the Aquyre Biopsy Scanner can differentiate between tissue samples that meet certain requirements that allow for further diagnostic analysis and samples that do not.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Boston Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Lung Cancer
Shared Decision Aid for Post-Total Knee Arthroplasty Opioid Prescribing
This will be a randomized controlled clinical trial in patients who have undergone primary unilateral total knee arthroplasty at Brigham and Women's Faulkner Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital and University of Chicago Medical Center. Study subjects will receive either a shared decision aid (SDA) about pain management or standard of care at the time of discharge. The impact of the SDA on the number of leftover opioid pills on postoperative day 30 and average NRS pain score on postoperative d... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Knee Arthroplasty, Total, Analgesia, Opioid Use, Unspecified
Post-stroke Motor Rehabilitation Using Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy-based Brain-computer-interface
Chronic stroke survivors suffering from weaknesses or movement difficulties in their hand/arm are provided a system to aid in at-home rehabilitation for 6 weeks. This rehabilitation system includes a headband that measures and provides feedback from the brain during rehabilitation, together with tablet-based software. Throughout the 6 week rehabilitation period (as well as in a follow-up session 1 month afterwards) several assessments are taken to understand the effect of this rehabilitation on... Read More
Between 18 years and 90 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Hemiparesis
Activated PRP for Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia
A clinical trial to assess the effects and safety of PRP activated with pulsed electrical fields (PEFA-PRP) compared with unactivated PRP when used to treat AGA. The design of this small-scale, phase 1b/2a clinical trial is to demonstrate that pulsed electric field activation of autologous PRP results in a controlled release of platelet growth factors and other biologically active molecules that will have a benefit effect on the non-cycling hair follicles in the treated scalp compared to non-ac... Read More
Between 30 years and 60 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, Burlington, Massachusetts
Conditions: Androgenetic Alopecia
Kidney Precision Medicine Project
Acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) impose a significant global health burden. Yet, no effective therapies currently exist for AKI, and only a few are available for CKD. Despite significant effort from industry and academia, development of pharmacologic therapies for AKI and CKD has been hampered by: Non-predictive animal models The inability to identify and prioritize human targets The limited availability of human kidney biopsy tissue A poor understanding of AKI and CK... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Acute Kidney Failure, Acute Kidney Insufficiency, Acute Renal Failure, Acute Renal Injury, Acute Renal Insufficiency, Kidney Failure, Acute, Kidney Insufficiency, Acute, Renal Failure, Acute, Renal Insufficiency, Acute, Chronic Kidney Diseases, Chronic Kidney Insufficiency, Chronic Renal Diseases, Chronic Renal Insufficiency, Kidney Insufficiency, Chronic
Comparative Effectiveness of Bariatric Surgery With PROMs
This long-term, nationwide observational data collection repository will obtain patient-reported outcomes from metabolic and bariatric surgery patients. The data will be used in conjunction with clinical outcomes to determine quality, safety, and comparative effectiveness of various metabolic and bariatric procedures.
0 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Bariatric Surgery, Metabolic Surgery, Weight Reduction
CHoice of OptImal transCatheter trEatment for Mitral Insufficiency Registry
This multinational, investigator-initiated, retrospective study aims to investigate outcomes of patients, who underwent transcatheter mitral valve implantation (TMVI), in comparison to those screened for TMVI but deemed ineligible, who subsequently underwent interventional mitral valve edge-to-edge repair, mitral valve surgery or medical/conservative therapy.
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Mitral Regurgitation
Struvite Stones Antibiotic Study
The aim of this research is to determine an effective antibiotic regimen following definitive surgical therapy of kidney stones caused by bacterial infection (struvite stones).
19 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Harvard University - Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Kidney Stones
Heterogeneity Informed Nutrition Therapy for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
The hypothesis for this study is that women with different physiologic subtypes of gestational diabetes (GDM) (insulin secretion deficit vs. insulin sensitivity deficit) will differ in their glycemic responses to meals with different portions of dietary macronutrients. Investigators will determine GDM subtype based on glucose and insulin levels taken at multiple time points during an oral glucose tolerance test. Participants will consume two meals with different macronutrient content while weari... Read More
18 years and above
Trial Updated:
Locations: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Gestational Diabetes
Enhancing Analgesia in Chronic Pain Through Exercise
Background: Current pain management strategies for pediatric patients are not integrating the analgesic potential of movement-based therapies. To date, experiencing a painful stimulus has been known to disrupt motor activity in an attempt to minimize injury. However, physical activity, even when it increases ongoing pain initially, has been shown to significantly reduce pain symptoms eventually through neuromodulation. In both acute and chronic pain cohorts, exercise protocols and neuromodulatio... Read More
Between 10 years and 24 years
Trial Updated:
Locations: Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Conditions: Pain, Chronic Widespread Pain, Fibromyalgia